Findecanor wrote: ↑ Normally, I don't give a rat's ass about artisans, and neither do a lot of other voters so they can't really be in the know about it.
That's the point of having a "i don't like any" option in the award, honestly if you don't care about a category you shouldn't vote in the first place (and this should be valid for each category) but you will still vote for it (mostly to enter the prize raffle i guess?).
My point is, these caps with "no profile" (like someone says here) are artisans, what we usually define artisans, I definetely accept that people might not like them or that in general DT do not like them.
But if you don't understand/like artisans, it is pointless to still vote for the category and pick one only because it match a real keycap profile, even if you know that you will never buy or like any artisan.
Being similar to a keycap is not the point of artisans in the first place, that's just the DT point of saying "ok cool, artisans are shit but at least this is less shittier than others caps with monsters on it"
edit: the two "abomination" caps you see are probably the most desired caps right now among artisan-people, these are the 2 caps that drove everyone crazy in the last year.