[IC] GMK Modifier Kit

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02 May 2017, 02:02

Would the space bars belong to a separate kit, better? Otherwise, this thing would be a bit expensive. I second the addition of a second Tab key, in this color it would be always useful.

For the FC660M a second 2.25u would be required, but I suppose the demand for that is low, jut mentioning it here. I use to have one, but I sold it precisely because how hard it was to secure two 2.25 shifts in one kit. But, also, it would facilitate using the split set to cover two keyboards.

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02 May 2017, 16:24

so, here are the updated mockups with TU1. i see it was also discussed before, but i have to say that TU1 is quite dark. in general i'm in favor of modifiers being just slightly darker than the alphas. so i personally would favor TU2. but if you want to go for the darker TU1 modifiers i'm still in, no dealbreaker for me, also very nice.

however, i noticed, that the dark legends tend to get lost in the already darker modifiers. that's why i also made some mockups where the modifier-legends got the L9 color from the alpha-caps. made it with both TU1 and TU2 modifiers.
this way the legends of the modifiers have more contrast while the color scheme still makes sense.
what do you think of that?

MOD-BASE: TU1, Dark Legends:
mockup-dark-dark-1.png (113.8 KiB) Viewed 15867 times
mockup-dark-dark-2.png (111.29 KiB) Viewed 15867 times
mockup-dark-dark-3.png (111.5 KiB) Viewed 15867 times
mockup-dark-dark-4.png (109.38 KiB) Viewed 15867 times
mockup-dark-dark-5.png (109.69 KiB) Viewed 15867 times
mockup-dark-dark-6.png (104.18 KiB) Viewed 15867 times
MOD-BASE: TU2, Dark Legends:
mockup-light-dark-1.png (113.84 KiB) Viewed 15865 times
mockup-light-dark-2.png (111.35 KiB) Viewed 15865 times
mockup-light-dark-3.png (111.53 KiB) Viewed 15865 times
mockup-light-dark-4.png (109.44 KiB) Viewed 15865 times
mockup-light-dark-5.png (109.76 KiB) Viewed 15865 times
mockup-light-dark-6.png (104.24 KiB) Viewed 15865 times
MOD-BASE: TU1, Light Legends:
mockup-dark-light-1.png (113.84 KiB) Viewed 15863 times
mockup-dark-light-2.png (111.39 KiB) Viewed 15863 times
mockup-dark-light-3.png (111.53 KiB) Viewed 15863 times
mockup-dark-light-4.png (109.41 KiB) Viewed 15863 times
mockup-dark-light-5.png (109.72 KiB) Viewed 15863 times
mockup-dark-light-6.png (104.27 KiB) Viewed 15863 times
MOD-BASE: TU2, Light Legends:
mockup-light-light-1.png (113.9 KiB) Viewed 15862 times
mockup-light-light-2.png (111.45 KiB) Viewed 15862 times
mockup-light-light-3.png (111.59 KiB) Viewed 15862 times
mockup-light-light-4.png (109.47 KiB) Viewed 15862 times
mockup-light-light-5.png (109.79 KiB) Viewed 15862 times
mockup-light-light-6.png (104.32 KiB) Viewed 15862 times
Sankart wrote: Only thing I could think of is a R1 1u Delete.
+1, that's my favorit spot for "delete" too. and yes, no must.

sorry, i had to edit this post a few times. first i forgot, to give the pictures a grey background instead of the previously white background. colors look more natural now, cause there is no 100% white in a realistic scenario.
uploading so many pictures is terrible here. i can only upload one at a time. when i nearly had all of them, the connection got lost and i had to start again - quite difficult to keep calm at that point.
guess i'll use this imgur thing for uploading pictures the next time. btw, why imgur everybody? guess it's hip now?
Last edited by PlastikSchnittstelle on 02 May 2017, 18:02, edited 6 times in total.

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02 May 2017, 17:02

I prefer the dark legends. They go better along with classic beige. I am not sure if I would get the set if they go with L9 legends.


02 May 2017, 17:14

I'm for dark legends as well. With the light legends it'd be pretty close to electric bluegaloo I think

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02 May 2017, 17:58

my favorite would be TU1 with light (L9) legends.

think i want the all :)

just took a closer look at imgur. ok, i get it now. it's pretty awesome with all the stories you can find, the ability to comment and the discussions which start. sharing with just some ore public, really useful.
next mockups there.

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02 May 2017, 22:55

Sankart wrote: I'm for dark legends as well. With the light legends it'd be pretty close to electric bluegaloo I think
It would be just another mod of the bunch with light legends. Nothing really matching OG Beige. There are a few other mod sets coming and some already on offer, though.

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02 May 2017, 23:46

TU2 and dark legends should match well with any HAD/SAD.

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09 May 2017, 22:09

ideus wrote: It would be just another mod of the bunch with light legends. Nothing really matching OG Beige. There are a few other mod sets coming and some already on offer, though.
nothing really matching OG beige ? that's not true, since the light legend is CR, which ist the base color from the OG beige alphas. in fact it does match perfectly - it's just inverted. also the CR legend color distinguishes it from "the bunch with light legends" because those all use WS1 as legend color, which is the purest white you can get from the GMK colors. CR is very different.

that aside, i'd also be absolutely fine with dark L9 legends. what i don't really like is that i made the first mockups with TU2 mods - sorry for that, it was really just by accident. i really think, that lordzebus' idea with TU1 mods is a beautiful match for classic beige. going for TU2 wouldn't be "down-to-earth" anymore. it would actually be just another CYAN mod.

i'm a little worried because the interest in this set seems to be quite low? i made another effort, finally put together a 3D model and made some renderings. this way we get a better feeling of how the set would look like in action.
i included the mockups again. scroll all the way down for the 3D renderings with the TU1 mods. also renderings with TU2 - shouldn't have done that, again. also renderings with the CR legends - just because i like it so much :)
like i promised, this time on IMGUR.

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10 May 2017, 01:51

It was not the intention to discourage you from you endeavor. Most GMK keys can be mix and matched. They have the same profile and nice square corners that make them look even and they make great typing "surfaces". Color combination is a different thing. In my humble opinion the legends being in the same color make a keyboard look good. Another option could be to match legends and base colors in a contrasting approach like many of the sets recently manufactured. The mod's legends matching only the alpha's base color is not as aesthetic as the other approaches, but I am certain many people may like it, also. In any case, you could gauge the demand with the renders that you are planning having made. Personally, I already have some mod sets that I found not going well with the beige alphas. They have clear legends as you proposed; and I just cannot keep using them. They match great with white on black though, but I am not using those alphas anymore. The white on black alphas and the mod sets should be on sale soon. But please do not listen to me, I am a boring Joe to the bones, so my opinion is just an awful outlier.

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10 May 2017, 08:43

TU1 with light legends should go well with the alphas from a GMK Dolch set which is the only (immensely) popular GMK set with light legends, otherwise it may also go well with GMK red alert, or any GMK set with light legends.

TU2 with dark legends should go well with the alphas from Cherry OG beige set or any GMK set with dark legends.

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10 May 2017, 16:42

Thank you for your work on the mockups and renderings PlastikSchnittstelle.

The colours for this round are set so let's see how this round goes first. There are plenty of options for another round after this one.

I'm still waiting on the dimensions of the tray from GMK to calculate shipping costs.

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2 girls 1 cuprubber

10 May 2017, 22:53

it's probably far too late for my opinion to count but i like the TU2 mockups a bit more - they'd go well with my one MX set :)

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01 Jun 2017, 15:35

lordzebu, any updates on this?

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10 Jun 2017, 14:55

Hey guys, sorry for neglecting this but I'm quite busy at the moment. I will work out the shipping arrangements over the course of next week. The date I have in my mind right now is July 1st. I'm thinking about wether it would be a good idea to seperate the spacebars into a kit of their own to make the set happen more likely but I'm not sure right now. We will include a second tab key and another R1 1.0 blank.
Last edited by lordzebu on 30 Jun 2017, 19:54, edited 2 times in total.

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knock knock

12 Jun 2017, 09:59

How could this go unnoticed for me this long time? I'm totally in once the GB happens.

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13 Jun 2017, 05:37

@lordzebu: It is known that GMK has a new mold for 6u space bars with centered stem; which is not compatible with 18xx keyboards neither with any keyboard that takes an off-centered stem 6u space bar. This is just a heads up, in case you has not been aware of it, yet.

A decision to include a 6u space bar now implies the use of the former mold, the new one, or maybe both.

The centered stem space bar is targeted to Topre users with keyboards with stems that are compatible with MX key caps, even then, for an MX space bar to be useful on a Topre board the stabs should be modded. Thus, demand for such a space bar should be much lower than for 18xx users and similarly designed MX customs, that requires the classic 6u space bar with off-centered stem.

Apparently, there is no way to build a mold with both stems due to interferences with the switch.

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16 Jun 2017, 15:21

+1 for the center-stem 6u spacebar. I guess that's the one lordzebu had in mind.

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20 Jun 2017, 05:30

PlastikSchnittstelle wrote: +1 for the center-stem 6u spacebar. I guess that's the one lordzebu had in mind.
What do you need a 6u space bar with centered stem for?

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20 Jun 2017, 10:07

glad you're asking.
for this.
but it seem to work with both - centered and off-centered stem 6U spacebar.

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08 Aug 2017, 17:56

Muted GB already ended, so custom light colors are now available at GMK afaik. Don't know if this GB will run... but anyhow here's the light colors samples from Muted!



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08 Aug 2017, 18:01

i'm sure this gb will run.
i guess lordzebu simply has other stuff to do at the moment.
also the summertime is not the best time to run a gb, i think.

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08 Aug 2017, 18:09

Prelim wrote: Image
Is that the arse of a toy model of a Prius? A ducking Prius!? You know there is something wrong with the world when the kids crave toy Prii...

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Alps Aficionado

08 Aug 2017, 18:11

OK, just seeing this now but I am totally in for a set. looks awesome.

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09 Aug 2017, 14:19

It will be added any extra keycap for split spacebars?
For example these 3 extra keycaps: 2u R4, 2.25u R4 and 2.75u R4

These should be enough to cover new split keyboards and split spacebars (blanks ofc).

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09 Aug 2017, 14:28

Would buy, black mods!!!!

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09 Aug 2017, 14:38

"black mods"
by that you mean black legends, right?

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12 Jan 2018, 18:38

Necrobump! I just wanted to say that I'm still interested.

Do you have any idea if/when you will run this lordzebu?

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12 Jan 2018, 19:10

I still have hope lordzebu will find time to go on with this and make it happen.
We don't really see GMK mod-kits that often anymore, mostly full sets, which are quite expensive. Spicing up an existing HAD set with a kit like this is a great thing imho.


21 Jan 2018, 14:53

As lordzebu seems to be away since over two months maybe someone else can take this over?

I'd still vote to include a second tab key so that the set is usable on two 60% boards, a wkl one and a 1.25er one. I'm still not sure if purple really suits a beige/turquoise board but I guess the voters decided about it...

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21 Jan 2018, 15:31

hansichen wrote: As lordzebu seems to be away since over two months maybe someone else can take this over?
+1, good idea.
hansichen wrote: I'd still vote to include a second tab key so that the set is usable on two 60% boards, a wkl one and a 1.25er one. I'm still not sure if purple really suits a beige/turquoise board but I guess the voters decided about it...
Would be cool to include both an icon and text mod, perhaps. Not sure it will fit the rest though.

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