Started packaging, but realized I needed a few more things before I can finish, so will get those this weekend.
Also wanted to point out that all of the soldered mounting holes on the PCB are if you use them, please place a few switches around the board(including numpad enter as it will help see if the board is offset) and then mark the holes to be filed to fit. This way you don't have switches slanted on the plate and I guarantee it is safe to file those holes as long as you stay within the exposed gold pad, which is easy as no hole requires that much filing. I wish they weren't this far off, but once again me and polecat were not using the most accurate method to determine the mounting pad locations and it shows. Will try and correct that in the file so if I make another batch they fit better.
Everything else on the board is perfect though, LEDs fit better than original as I have correct spacing unlike Northgate themselves. And if you are debating about what resistance to use for the LEDs, 330 ohm worked well with the following LEDs, which gave almost original brightness. ... Bqog%3d%3d Also they are the same exact size as the originals and look basically the same, which is a nice touch imo.