Here is a link to the album, and here are a few choice pics:
I ended up with 19 keebs and 2 wheelwriters, several old games, an oscilloscope that says `BAD` on top but works just fine, and a CB radio mic. My significant other continues to be an incredible good luck charm.
We got black and brown MX (with some vintage black in the mix), brown, pine white, orange, salmon, black, and compact green alps, short cream SKCC alps, (I think) white nec oval, some kind of hall effect microswitch, buckling spring, and some pre-keyboard cherry switches. Not a bad haul for $133 which is about what the same as the keyboard I'm typing on right now.
This is my first Model M and it is completely functional! it is only missing the hat for the down arrow.
Im an alps guy so I'm a bit more attached to that stuff but the cherry boards will probably be cleaned and find new homes.