M122 Soarer's Converter { and < keys

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13 Mar 2019, 05:07

I have an IBM M122 and I'm trying create a custom Soarer's config. I've read through the docs but I can't find what the key with the braces (next to the tall return key) and the less than/greater than symbols on are called. The default Soarer's config doesn't seem to have them mapped to anything.

Photos attached for clarity on which keys I'm talking about.

IMG_0908.JPG (133.33 KiB) Viewed 4658 times
IMG_0909.JPG (122.92 KiB) Viewed 4658 times

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13 Mar 2019, 05:24

Hmm, so I think the braces key is Europe_1?

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13 Mar 2019, 05:54

why you dont use hid-listen to find out the keycode?

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13 Mar 2019, 10:33

lhutton wrote: 13 Mar 2019, 05:07 I have an IBM M122 and I'm trying create a custom Soarer's config. I've read through the docs but I can't find what the key with the braces (next to the tall return key) and the less than/greater than symbols on are called. The default Soarer's config doesn't seem to have them mapped to anything.

Photos attached for clarity on which keys I'm talking about.



The SECOND one is 0x64 ("EUROPE_2") and you don't need to remap it.

The first one is 0x32 ("EUROPE_1) and you need to remap it to 0x31 ("BACKSLASH").

See my own F122/M122 remapping at viewtopic.php?p=425985#p425985 and use that as a starting point and/or reference for yours.

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13 Mar 2019, 19:33

anthonymak wrote: 13 Mar 2019, 05:54 why you dont use hid-listen to find out the keycode?
I used xev (running Linux, no Windows installs nearby) and didn't see any scan codes coming from the keys. Looks like Soarer's doesn't send scan codes from things that aren't mapped?
depletedvespene wrote: 13 Mar 2019, 10:33
The SECOND one is 0x64 ("EUROPE_2") and you don't need to remap it.

The first one is 0x32 ("EUROPE_1) and you need to remap it to 0x31 ("BACKSLASH").

See my own F122/M122 remapping at viewtopic.php?p=425985#p425985 and use that as a starting point and/or reference for yours.
Right now EUROPE_2 just prints a strange character for me, not terribly useful. I figured out EUROPE_1 last night as no pipe key is a no go for a *nix user. I'll mess with my EUROPE_2 when I get home tonight. I just didn't know what to address it as in the config file. Thanks! I'll have a look at you file.

One other question, the key marked "Rule" in the center of the cross arrow nav, what's that addressed as by Soarers? That'd be neat to macro for a few things in vi or tmux.


13 Mar 2019, 20:03

Hi, Ihutton.

This is the "hid map" I got from my M122:
m122_scan_codes.jpg (94.9 KiB) Viewed 4559 times

As you can see, the hid code you need to remap the central key of the cross arrow nav is 0x93 (LANG_4).

As for the "<" key, I guess your computer expects an US-EN layout, which lacks that key so it produces a strange character when pressed. I would try to remap EUROPE_2 and Shift + EUROPE_2 to whatever keys you want.

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13 Mar 2019, 20:12

unoquepasa wrote: 13 Mar 2019, 20:03 Hi, Ihutton.

This is the "hid map" I got from my M122:


As you can see, the hid code you need to remap the central key of the cross arrow nav is 0x93 (LANG_4).

As for the "<" key, I guess your computer expects an US-EN layout, which lacks that key so it produces a strange character when pressed. I would try to remap EUROPE_2 and Shift + EUROPE_2 to whatever keys you want.
Thanks, that's a very helpful map. Yeah it's not a currency symbol or anything I recognize, I did change my layout to ISO European at one point and it did the same thing.

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13 Mar 2019, 20:18

lhutton wrote: 13 Mar 2019, 20:12
unoquepasa wrote: 13 Mar 2019, 20:03 Hi, Ihutton.

This is the "hid map" I got from my M122:


As you can see, the hid code you need to remap the central key of the cross arrow nav is 0x93 (LANG_4).

As for the "<" key, I guess your computer expects an US-EN layout, which lacks that key so it produces a strange character when pressed. I would try to remap EUROPE_2 and Shift + EUROPE_2 to whatever keys you want.
Thanks, that's a very helpful map. Yeah it's not a currency symbol or anything I recognize, I did change my layout to ISO European at one point and it did the same thing.
Do remember that layout configuration goes in two separate layers - physical (Soarer's) and logical ("national"). For example, you could remap the EUROPE_2 key to produce, say, the code 0x33. Then, pressing that key would produce a ';' if using the US English national layout, a 'Ñ' if using either Spanish layout, a 'Ö' with the German layout, etcetera.

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13 Mar 2019, 20:19

lhutton wrote: 13 Mar 2019, 19:33 One other question, the key marked "Rule" in the center of the cross arrow nav, what's that addressed as by Soarers? That'd be neat to macro for a few things in vi or tmux.
I map it to Scroll Lock — highly useful for me (but, then again, weirdos think I'm a weirdo).

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13 Mar 2019, 20:36

depletedvespene wrote: 13 Mar 2019, 20:19
lhutton wrote: 13 Mar 2019, 19:33 One other question, the key marked "Rule" in the center of the cross arrow nav, what's that addressed as by Soarers? That'd be neat to macro for a few things in vi or tmux.
I map it to Scroll Lock — highly useful for me (but, then again, weirdos think I'm a weirdo).
I don't think I've used scroll lock in 30 years ... it used to freeze console display on Linux and BSD but I don't think any terminal emulators support that these days. Well, at least Konsole on KDE doesn't seem to.

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13 Mar 2019, 21:12

At least for a Model F XT, these two settings are necessary to "fix" the ISO specific keys you mentioned.

Code: Select all

In case you're not yet happy with your configuration, if could be worth a try. (.... Or maybe I have no idea, what I'm talking about.)


05 Apr 2019, 01:02

I had exactly the same problem with my German ISO layout m122. I used the following to fix it


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