Oh yes. One thing that irks me is whenever people use the letter X instead of the multiplication symbol × . As you can see, the symbol is lifted above the baseline. In a serif font, the letter has serifs whereas the symbol does not.depletedvespene wrote: 25 Jun 2019, 16:09 [...]
the US English keyboard layout has remained pretty much untouched... and nowadays is objectively (YMMV, IMHO) a serious limiting factor for English speakers, even if we forget all about other languages (see my previous comment on "extra" symbols commonly used in English).
I mean... they are supposed to have learned the × symbol in Maths class in school. But they don't find it anywhere on their computer keyboards and they don't take the extra time to look it up...
This mis-use has even found its way into spoken language: "Our new product is five ecks faster" ... When I hear that, I just want to smack such a person on the head with a large fish!
On my Swedish keyboard, it is on Alt Gr+Shift+' ... or rather Alt Gr + * — because it is used as an alternative to the * symbol. Unfortunately, I have seen the use of the letter instead of the multiplication symbol also in Sweden.