12 Sep 2022, 21:07
bumping this for some important information. There is a chance, unsure how high that chance is, that this board will damage your caps.
SKCC is not rotationally symmetrical and as a result putting a cap on a switch that isn't aligned correctly has the potential to damage the caps. For single unit caps the top of the T should face either east or west, for multi-unit caps the T should face north or south. From the pics I see of the PCB it looks like all switches are N/S facing which is not ideal. ALPS themselves almost always stuck with this convention with the exception of a few boards where they have a 1u caps lock cap that uses a N/S facing switch and I often find those caps are cracked and in need of repair.
With how pingmasters aren't really available anymore this is probably not an issue for anyone who hasn't already built their ping jr but in case someone got parts but never built it or is checking out this thread while thinking about making their own SKCC custom please keep the switch orientation in mind.