IBM SSK White frame.


04 Jun 2012, 17:36

It's the first time I see a white plastic frame in a Model M keyboard.
What do you think?
IBM-SSK_1397681 Naked.jpg
IBM-SSK_1397681 Naked.jpg (84.78 KiB) Viewed 4073 times
IBM-SSK_1397681 Top.jpg
IBM-SSK_1397681 Top.jpg (77.49 KiB) Viewed 4073 times
IBM-SSK_1397681 Bottom.jpg
IBM-SSK_1397681 Bottom.jpg (46.85 KiB) Viewed 4073 times


04 Jun 2012, 17:47

Nice! Welcome to the IBM Space Saving Keyboard Club!

Some are black, brown, white. Same plastic until Unicomp/Greenock era.

Kishy used to think they feel different but I doubt a few drops of dye makes a difference.

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04 Jun 2012, 17:57

Still looks pretty greyish to me.

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04 Jun 2012, 20:31

Looks great! Keep it that way! People will ask you what kind of futurisitc keyboard that is!

ps: let me know if you need replacement keys.


04 Jun 2012, 21:30

You're selling BS keycaps too?

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04 Jun 2012, 21:33

ped wrote:You're selling BS keycaps too?
Only from 2 incomplete boards (missing feet, missing cable, missing key caps, cases obviously not dish-washer proof).


05 Jun 2012, 07:30

This beauty and his twin I own are equipped with one stem keycap (integrated stem) that are really hard to find, expecially the keys for the integrated numpad.

Some of mine are lightly scratched, some other missing... so I decided to replace the complete set with a brand new one from Unicomp (two sets costed me a fortune... due to the shipping and the custom tolls...)

Some springs are loose: theyre felling off when I remove the keycap... I have new ones... what do you suggest? Bolt mod it or not?

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Buckler Of Springs

07 Jun 2012, 11:04

Mine has a white upper assembly too. For some reason, they seem to be particularly associated with Plt. No F7. I still maintain that Plt. No had nothing to do with the place they were made though...

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07 Jun 2012, 11:40

nfc wrote:Some springs are loose: they're falling off when I remove the keycap... I have new ones... what do you suggest? Bolt mod it or not?
Seeing how boltmodding is the only way you're gonna get at the springmount to actually fix the springs back on properly; I'd guess that's what you'll have to do if it annoys you enough (not to mention that that should ensure a more even board feel, don't those keys with not quite well attached springs feel a little different?), but ofcourse that depends on if you want to resell it without boltmod or not.
*note, only theoretical and slightly practical from M2.

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07 Jun 2012, 18:40

what about that : Image

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07 Jun 2012, 18:44

attarian wrote:what about that
Oh snap! You've already managed to snag one of those battleships? Grats! And what's that greyish thing tucked away in the bottom right?

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07 Jun 2012, 21:16

It's not grey, 400 g ( that's the same weight with KBT Pure / Poker )


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07 Jun 2012, 21:38

So is that coiled cable attached to the blue/grey/black-board (current versions come in straight only it seems)?
<wth is with those ` \ backspace enter keys, is that through a dipswitch?>

Priceless 'fcc.txt'!
And man, that's relatively light; shame it doesn't have that curve. ;)

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