What is your first mechanic keyboard?


08 Jun 2012, 17:00

my first is Cherry G80-3000LSCXX

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08 Jun 2012, 17:58

Mine was a DAS 2 with black otaku keycaps and cherry mx blue. http://www.mrinterface.com/reviews/Keyb ... 20DAS%20K2

I also owned the first model, but that one was not a mechanical...

EDIT : I did not count the various vintage computers that also had mechanical springs inside... My memotech MTX also had a mechanical keyboard... I think that's when my love for mechanical keyboards started.

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08 Jun 2012, 18:19

Really can't say.. probably a C64 keyboard; or the one on the pc my dad had just before I got that one, but have no clue what system that was.
Out of this period where I realised what a mechanical keyboard was, a Dell AT101w, black alps.

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08 Jun 2012, 19:12

IBM model m bought from ncbound. I hated buckling springs and I haven't gone back to them since.

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08 Jun 2012, 19:32

Used, but in good condition, Northgate OmniKey Ultra T Keyboard, great classic keyboard.

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08 Jun 2012, 19:35

Aside from the Model Ms I grew up with, I first bought a Filco MJ2 105 with browns. Belongs to another DTer now, though.


08 Jun 2012, 19:37

Apple II.

Don't know what switches. Back then nobody gave a fuck. I sure didn't.

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08 Jun 2012, 21:25

Cherry g80-3000 with MX-blue


08 Jun 2012, 22:22

G81-3000, used it back when I was a kid and retrieved it from the attic. Also toyed with a model F XT (originally came with the real computer, which I managed to wreck). I only started using the latter again after toying around with Soarer's converter.

First one I bought myself was the Compaq / Cherry G80-11800.

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08 Jun 2012, 23:37

Well, the first keyboard I ordered was my Unicomp 122-Key Terminal Emulator board, which I ordered for my birthday, but due to shipping and customs it was delayed a lot, and I received it a month afterwards. So shortly before my birthday I bought a black Cherry G80-1800 with MX Blacks and a Cherry G84-4100 (with MLs, which aren't as bad as everybody says, but with horrible pad printed keycaps), which arrived some days before my birthday. So these were the first two Mech Boards I had. Then I bought an IBM Terminal Board off ebay.de, which arrived on the same day as my Unicomp. This way I got around 4 Keyboards to start the addiction with...

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The Beard

09 Jun 2012, 11:25

RC, those boards sound familiar :P

The first mechanical board I knew was mechanical was a Dell AT 102. Quickly, I moved to a g80-1800, then to a 3000 with blues.

In my childhood I definitely had contact with Model M and Apple II boards at school.


09 Jun 2012, 12:41

Ascaii wrote:RC, those boards sound familiar :P

The first mechanical board I knew was mechanical was a Dell AT 102. Quickly, I moved to a g80-1800, then to a 3000 with blues.

In my childhood I definitely had contact with Model M and Apple II boards at school.
In my childhood, the keyboards in my school are already is Ibm rubber dome


09 Jun 2012, 12:42

tinlong117 wrote:
Ascaii wrote:RC, those boards sound familiar :P

The first mechanical board I knew was mechanical was a Dell AT 102. Quickly, I moved to a g80-1800, then to a 3000 with blues.

In my childhood I definitely had contact with Model M and Apple II boards at school.
In my childhood, the keyboards in my school are already Ibm rubber dome

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09 Jun 2012, 16:46

RC-1140 wrote:Cherry G84-4100, with MLs, which aren't as bad as everybody says
So how (high) would you rate those then? Do you still use them at times?


09 Jun 2012, 17:01

My 2nd and 3rd mechanical keyboards were both Das Blue Cherry (Gen3).

Both RMA'd for USB connection issues.

I like to bug AprilS, Das Internet Marketing, about that.
april.jpg (22.61 KiB) Viewed 8868 times
Last edited by ripster on 09 Jun 2012, 21:23, edited 2 times in total.

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Elite +1

09 Jun 2012, 20:22

105 ISO Filco majestouch V1 (blue)

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09 Jun 2012, 23:11

knowing nothing about it, i have owned a G84-4100 in beige. Liked it a lot!
I still like the board, because of it's size. ML are ok for me.

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The Tiproman

10 Jun 2012, 06:11

I bought my first mechanical keyboard back in 1986.
It was (and as a matter of fact still is) part of an Olivetti M10 portable computer. Short description here.

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10 Jun 2012, 17:37

I wich it was a filco TKL... can't stand the numblock anymore =(

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10 Jun 2012, 17:58

Some old XT/AT board which got thrown away :(

First which I really invested was Filco Majestouch 105 MX Brown Finnish/Swedish, still my primary board on main comp.


11 Jun 2012, 11:13

Probably used some in my youth that I can't remember..

But since I've realised I wanted a mechanical I started with an AT101W and worked up from there ;)

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11 Jun 2012, 12:22

I've had a Model M when I was about 16. I even modded it by spraying the case orange. :P
I'm pretty sure my dad has thrown it out at some point. So sad.

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12 Jun 2012, 01:41

Keytronic, tvs or model M, cant remember

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Daniel Beaver

12 Jun 2012, 02:50

Model M I found in a dumpster.

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12 Jun 2012, 03:49

When it was new.... this.


12 Jun 2012, 05:00

Does the Commodore 64 count? The machine is long gone, but I think it had "rubber bridge on a stick" switches from Mitsumi. The rubber was conductive, and the main resistance in each switch was from a coiled spring. Much similar to "foam and foil" switches.

My first mechanical keyboard for a PC was my first Dolch. I got it for a steal compared to current prices. It is still one of my favourites, and I am typing on it now.


12 Jun 2012, 14:04

As a kid I often unknowingly used an AEKII, the first mech board I bought was an Model M.

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14 Jun 2012, 10:51

So, I'm visiting my parents and look what I found:
orange model m
orange model m
DSC01699small.jpg (130.38 KiB) Viewed 8588 times
I know it looks horrible. It was orange spray paint for model cars and I had no idea how to apply it either. And I didn't lacquer it. I was 16 or something give me a break. :)

At least a I knew a good keyboard even before I knew good keyboards. ;D

There is another one on which I painted the US layout on the german keycaps. :p
And by painting I mean Tipp-ex and permanent marker. >_<

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14 Jun 2012, 12:47

Icarium wrote:I was 16 or something give me a break. :)
Ah, a secret admirer of the once-great 'Oranje elftal' I see... Isn't that high-treason? :lol:
Still like the colour itself, just overused over here from time to time!

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14 Jun 2012, 14:07

Q-Pad MK-80, which i think is a decent mechanical Keyboard, despite the ruling opinion stating otherwise.

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