Chippers random ebay finds


14 Oct 2024, 08:03

Hi! I like scouring the net for old keyboards and sometimes i find stuff that isn't recorded in the wiki and wanted to post about it!

Today I found a Laser VTCL 2269-0, which is usually listed to have SMK 2nd gen cherry mount switches but thankfully they had a keyswitch off style photo and it caught my eye. After cross referencing with the deskthority wiki I noticed these seem to be Maxi Switch dome with sliders?

It's one of the Plus style nav models:

keycap removed:


model number and fcc id:

listing link in case the images don't load

Neat, gonna be a disappointment for anyone wanting the smk 2nd gens, though the keycaps are still probably pretty good.


23 Oct 2024, 01:15

I came across a bondwell model 2 which appears to have full size SKCL Green alps, I don't know much about early laptops. It makes me wonder what other old models have interesting full size switches. I know about the b310s b/c chyrosan video, I think the Pc convertible has brown alps and the macintosh portable has orange or salmon alps.

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23 Oct 2024, 15:06

Old laptops are a gamble unless you SPECIFICALLY know that many examples show to have the switches you're looking for. I've seen some old Zenith laptops come with SKCL Green, then very similar models have Alps Integrated Dome or SKFL.


08 Nov 2024, 02:28

I recently got a toshiba t1200 that was local, turns out they can have SKFL switches as well:




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08 Nov 2024, 18:12

Nice find! Be sure to add this info to the wiki!

... Oh wait :(


08 Nov 2024, 20:39

jensma wrote: 08 Nov 2024, 18:12 Nice find! Be sure to add this info to the wiki!

... Oh wait :(
x3 That's part of the reason I started just posting stuff I found, at least it's written down somewhere!


06 Dec 2024, 22:27

I managed to get a lot of 8 keyboards, 3 of which had space invaders clicky switchies, 2 others were NMB rubber dome. All 3 space invaders boards had their cables cut, but the rubber dome ones didn't, I was able to repair at least 2 of the 3 by transplanting the cables from the rubber dome ones. Got really lucky that since they were all NMB they were perfect fits! That's 2 saved from the junk pile at least. (gave them a big cleaning too). also in there was a rubber dome model M from unicomp, never have I seen a rubber dome keyboard with such impressive build quality x3. Unicomp sells parts so I'll bring that one back online too just because why not.


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07 Dec 2024, 05:31

Ahhh Everex. Good company. They were relatively local to me, and had a factory outlet where they sold used and refurbed stuff. They were big enough to have Everex branded Toshiba laptops and luggables, and their NMB keyboards were quite nice. Glad to see one again.

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