Olivetti KBD 2812

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21 Jun 2012, 12:41

I've opened up this old olivetti board and would like some help identifying the switches. They kind of look like black MYs but don't feel like rubber domes.
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I can't open the switches without destroying them because they are mounted using plastic nubs.
switch fixtures
switch fixtures
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This is the label if it helps.
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21 Jun 2012, 12:49

MY, the older variant.

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21 Jun 2012, 12:53

So is it actually a rubber dome? Feels pretty damn linear to me.

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21 Jun 2012, 12:58

Correct. And indeed, they feel nothing like rubber domes, but have fun typing on them for a while. :P
Also dismantling the switch can easily be done while mounted, much easier actually than what I did initially (cutting off the plastic nibs, and when done flowing superglue over that side (where the nibs used to be)):
Just take two small screwdrivers, or screwdriver bits, flat, and put them into those two slots. Tilt them outwards so the tips tilt inwards and release the plastic clips, while pulling up. You will be left with the insert, and a spring. The contact itself is inserted into the plastic holder from the bottom, so to get at that you'd have to cut them off; but no point in getting to those anyway, so.. ;)
quick pre-post edit: no rubber in this board. A membrane, yes.

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21 Jun 2012, 13:01

Mine comes with Italian layout and real MX switches!

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21 Jun 2012, 13:06

get your dyesub out of this thread, shoo!

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21 Jun 2012, 13:27

off wrote:get your dyesub out of this thread, shoo!
They are not dyesubbed! The are doubleshotted!!! :mad:

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21 Jun 2012, 13:31

No dyesubs here, blue on white double-shots on both Icarium and 7bit's keyboards.
As I stated before, you can actually find several combinations of switches and keycaps under the name Olivetti KBD 2812:
- black cherry MY, white cherry MY, black cherry MX;
- blue on white dye-subs, blue on white doubleshots, mixture of double-shots and pad printed keycaps.
According to my experience, all variants were manufactured in 1990.

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21 Jun 2012, 13:37

Mine seems to be from 1990 (C).

@Icarium: Post a picture of that white sticker on the PCB!

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21 Jun 2012, 14:28

Your case is the same as the one ^ Grond sent me. It's what I'm using right now :)

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21 Jun 2012, 14:30

dirge wrote:Your case is the same as the one ^ Grond sent me. It's what I'm using right now :)
I will try to retrobrite it. If it works well you can have my replacement case which has an intact LED cover.

Thanks to Grond and Gilgam, my keyboard was way overpriced BTW!

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21 Jun 2012, 14:44

Yes! Do retrobrite it please. If it works I will have to do mine, too. The caps are in a sad state. I can't take any pictures right now, the board is at my parents' place.

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03 Jul 2012, 12:40

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03 Jul 2012, 13:23

Amazing find yab, it's the first time I see them in ANSI!

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03 Jul 2012, 16:45


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03 Jul 2012, 17:57

Were the keyboards sold as Olivetti in the US as well or rebranded?


04 Jul 2012, 03:23

Oh my! I want those ansi blue doubleshots so badly, gorgeous.

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04 Jul 2012, 22:57

You and me both :P

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