Poker Aluminum Case


17 Jul 2012, 02:54

Yet another Poker aluminum case group buy :)

I'll let the pictures do the talking.

For the following image, click the picture, then click it again.

What you will receive:

1. Aluminum Housing for Poker
Dark or Light Silver
2. 7 x Bronze weight
7 x Screw for weight
3. 4 x Bottom side silicon bump (Dark brown)
4. Aluminum inner frame (Red)


1. Keycap bottom side (when keycap is assemble to switch) is some covered by aluminum hosing.
2. Make a space for dip switch of Poker
3. It’s is possible to use as just moving PCB from Poker case to aluminum housing (when people don’t use aluminum
inner frame)
4. Poker logo engraving in back side of aluminum housing
5. Can increase or decrease weigh of using separate weighs for aluminum housing.
6. Express sharp edge of aluminum hosing.
7. Front side height is same to KMAC or KMAC LE’s front’s height.


Payment will be collected until July 25th.
Target delivery date will be September 25th.

Limit is one per person. If you already own one, then I will not allow you in this group buy.
The price is $210 for one Poker aluminum case. Optional colors are dark silver or light silver.

Shipping from Korea will be $248 per 17 cases. That price will be split among 17 people. $248/17=$14.60 (per person). $210+$14.60=$224.60. Only the first 17 people will get the price of $224.60. The price will be raised after the first 17. People will then pay shipping to me for the US pricing which might be medium flat priority.

Sorry for the complications. We are going to have you send an e-mail to for an order with the title "Poker Aluminum Case".

Please e-mail with the following information:

GeekHack/DT username
Paypal Address
Shipping Address
Color of the Case
Last edited by sherryton on 17 Jul 2012, 03:53, edited 2 times in total.

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17 Jul 2012, 03:10

Order sent.


17 Jul 2012, 03:13

Order sent as well!

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17 Jul 2012, 03:18

Optional colors are dark silver or light silver.
It's more like a black, it's darker then the KMAC titanium


17 Jul 2012, 03:19

Sherryton please disregard the email I sent to your direct email. I sent another to the correct email address.


17 Jul 2012, 04:06

Damn...that's such a nice case

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17 Jul 2012, 04:15

would look nice with those thick gray keycaps with the brown/blue dye sub lettering. there was a for sale thread for them on geekhack recently, is that still around in some form? forget who was selling them exactly, but those blue keycaps above look like the same thing they were offering.

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17 Jul 2012, 04:21

Which one is light silver and which is dark? One looks like bead shot aluminum, the other is polished. Could you illustrate that for us, please? :)


17 Jul 2012, 04:24

silver is similar to kmac silver.. maybe a bit..brighter?

and titanium is basically black. a lot darker than kmac titanium

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17 Jul 2012, 04:27

The dark one doesn't appear to be pictured.

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17 Jul 2012, 04:29

ordered! :D


17 Jul 2012, 04:38

Here is the titan one
37454b5450adbb3d5367be63be47d248.JPG (193.29 KiB) Viewed 12659 times
194c3a9ea700b8650b9710d3c27a32bd.JPG (156.31 KiB) Viewed 12659 times
5cf0114e4a6d00f6b6cdecbf8c53da21.JPG (109.82 KiB) Viewed 12659 times
ffb89f19011acd89b780f0c4ab23a623.JPG (89.12 KiB) Viewed 12659 times

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17 Jul 2012, 04:42

Also, any possibility on the plate mount? :)


17 Jul 2012, 04:43

separately? don't think so, it's the full package.

wonder what stabilizers it'll use. those pictures look like the plate doesnt line up with them.

or maybe it was just taken quickly and the keyboard isnt done yet (titanium one)

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17 Jul 2012, 04:46

demik wrote:separately? don't think so, it's the full package.
Oh I just noticed it came with one lol


17 Jul 2012, 05:06

Thanks a lot for the picture jrockroll! As the picture shows, it's almost the same titanium color from the KMAC.

Plate mount is optional as your wish. I believe that is the inner frame.


17 Jul 2012, 05:21

MagicMeatball, the inner frame is included in every order. It is your choice to add it or not to your keyboard.

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17 Jul 2012, 05:35

stabilizers look to be Cherry PCB mount stabilizers, because it looks to be the same as my KMAC.


17 Jul 2012, 05:57

They look great, too bad I'mma out of keyboard monies :(

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17 Jul 2012, 05:57

sherryton wrote:MagicMeatball, the inner frame is included in every order. It is your choice to add it or not to your keyboard.
Ok cool, thanks for clarifying :)

Also, I sent you a pm.


17 Jul 2012, 07:13

Order sent!


17 Jul 2012, 07:30

If we do not reach 17 buyers, then I will buy 17 cases. Everyone who orders within the 17 will get the same pricing as above. Because I'm not sure if we will reach that number!

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2 girls 1 cuprubber

17 Jul 2012, 07:56

I wish I could get in on this but I can't justify it with my budget. Maybe secondhand someday...

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17 Jul 2012, 11:32

Do you have to desolder the switches for assembly with that inner frame?

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17 Jul 2012, 12:23

Is it possible to only order a metal plate (inner frame)?


17 Jul 2012, 13:05

Is it possible to get it unpainted?
Will you ship to Norway?

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17 Jul 2012, 16:17

kekstee wrote:Do you have to desolder the switches for assembly with that inner frame?
To install the red plate, you'll need to desolder and resolder all the individual switches.

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17 Jul 2012, 18:19

Order sent via email.

Amazing case :shock:


17 Jul 2012, 18:25

sherryton, I can't help but notice this isn't a cream cheese and blue key set.

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17 Jul 2012, 18:28

I'm having such a hard time not buying this's so beautiful. Is there any chance of them making these for other keyboards, like the Race? I haven't bought a Poker yet because it just doesn't fit well with the way I use my keyboard, I really prefer dedicated arrow keys, tilde, and esc.

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