Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.

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28 Jul 2012, 18:55

My customized pure, as completed today!

Going for an industrial type look with the orange, black and the zinc caps...Image

pretty happy with the unlit look too - cue the hero photo, more on Flickr if you want to look.
Last edited by GMC on 29 Jul 2012, 10:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Lethal Squirrel

29 Jul 2012, 06:03

Last edited by Lethal Squirrel on 02 Aug 2012, 22:16, edited 1 time in total.

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29 Jul 2012, 06:44

Deadline for new entries will be Wednesday 08/01/2012 (August first two-thousand-and-twelve) 1 pm EST (16:00 GMT).

No changes in deadline after today, barring unforeseen circumstances.

So this means you only have a few days until we will no longer accept entries.

Good luck to everyone.


29 Jul 2012, 12:21

This is my Entry, Hope i can win!
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30 Jul 2012, 06:31

Fun contest ^^
Jumping in with this as my entry :D

edit: thought it'll be too selfish of me to hog all four 2NE1 characters, so I'm editing some of them out, just in case any of my friends want to include them in their entry as well =)
full_BOMver.jpg (298.41 KiB) Viewed 8617 times
metal_closeupBOM.jpg (135.03 KiB) Viewed 8617 times
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Keyboard is a custom ordered red wood Filco (just to clarify that it is not self-modded).
Some of the keycaps are just concept mock-ups.
This is what the actual keyboard looks like as of now:


Rainbow caps are photoshopped in cos I had everything done right and thought of having them in at the last minute :oops:
But the keycaps do exist... the pastel ones are bought as a full 104 set, while the others are self-dyed.

And the weird guy for the twiddle key was very much real too :lol:
Gave it to a local distributor where I got most, and more importantly, my first mechanical keyboard from. So I no longer have it in my possession but felt the need to photoshop it in :lol:

The four cartoon barbie-like dolls, are from a Korean girlband, 2NE1, with their body and black-eyes edited out.

A bunch of us ordered them together. And each of us are given a matching avatar :D
Image Image
Image Image

Although not part of the group, we had one for the weird dude too 8-)

Mostly an internal joke but just a little something (not so "little" cos we did spent months for this) we organized to bring some color to our little forum Image
Webwit should know us Image
And possibly Ripster too, to a lesser extent?

Good luck to everyone! Image
Last edited by tubby on 30 Jul 2012, 18:35, edited 2 times in total.


30 Jul 2012, 09:12

That's an awesome KB.

I love the mario keys !

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Elite +1

30 Jul 2012, 09:14

Djuzuh wrote:That's an awesome KB.

I love the mario keys !
Mario key?! Do you mean Street fighter?

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30 Jul 2012, 09:16

The wasd cluster, fossala ;).

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Elite +1

30 Jul 2012, 09:21

Didn't see that, sorry. I love the street fighter dye subs, did they come of taobao?

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Topre Enthusiast

30 Jul 2012, 09:27

Is that Hard Gay on the tilde? :lol:

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Asperger's... SQUIRREL!

30 Jul 2012, 09:34



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Elite +1

30 Jul 2012, 09:39

Who is he? I don't want to search his name on google...

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Topre Enthusiast

30 Jul 2012, 09:42

An...interesting troll...


30 Jul 2012, 12:49

@ Djuzuh
Thanks, Djuzuh ^^
Might make it a reality if I have time to make a vector out of it ^^

@ fossala
The Street Fighter keys are my favorite caps ^^ and yup, Chinese dyesubs ;)

@ 002
Ah, tilde key... been always calling it a twiddle key *oops* but spot on, 002! :lol:
Didn't expect many of you would recognize him. :lol:

@ The_Ed
Who would Image
Look what this thread has turned into :lol:
Just so we don't get derailed too far off, shall we start guessing what keyboard is under his rivet-covered leather glove there Image

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30 Jul 2012, 20:58

Just a few days left of the giveaway now. Here's hoping someone wins something ;).

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31 Jul 2012, 01:50

Stuck in the middle of nowhere. I won't get the renders for my entry done in time. Oh well, better luck next time.

GL to the contestants, there were many lovely boards posted.

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31 Jul 2012, 10:06

[quote="002"]An...interesting troll...
snip - youtube

dear god, that is hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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31 Jul 2012, 20:58

You have less than 24hours to submit an entry. You will also have to make sure you only have one entry in the giveaway. We don't need more work sorting through entries and having to message you, and then wait for your reply.

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01 Aug 2012, 05:37

I will enter my Steelseries 7G with white PBT caps. I didn't like how even though it was engraved I really couldn't read the text so I used a .3 lead pencil to fill in the engravings. I think it turned out better than I expected it to, and cleans pretty easily too. I also have higher resolution versions if requested but there isn't much more to see, it was just a time consuming mod for practicality not really to be showy.


Wish I could have my completed KBT Pure with Pink LEDs and ergo clears done in time. Oh well maybe for the next giveaway.

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01 Aug 2012, 07:38

Less than 12 hours to get your entry in and/or make sure you have only one entry. Check over at GH if you are unsure :D

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01 Aug 2012, 21:35

This has now ended. Since it's our anniversary today we will start looking at all the entries tomorrow :).

Thanks to everyone that entered and showed interest!

And I almost forgot!
I got something else in the mail today that I will be adding to the giveaway!


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03 Aug 2012, 07:36

Well, I couldn't stay away until tomorrow, so we have had a look at all the entries. We will give the people that have multiple entries until tomorrow some time to pick ONE entry and make it clear that it's your entry.
Private message me if you had multiple entries. If you do not do this, you won't be in the running for any of the prizes. We gave ample of warnings throughout the giveaway :).


Winners announced!

Thanks to everyone that submitted an entry :D

EDIT2: All winners and honorable mentions have been contacted :).

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03 Aug 2012, 10:40

Congratulations to the winners ! Dox is clearly an excellent choice, and I'm glad Half-saint made it too :)

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03 Aug 2012, 14:14

Wow! I just want to thank Glissant and his wife for all the time and work they put into this givaway and especilly for their generosity. Thanks to all the others who donated all the awesome prizes. This community truely has some great people. Congratulations to Dox and everyone else who posted pictures of their awesome keyboards and to Mrinterface for that switch sample bag. How cool is that!
P.S. I'm really going to enjoy the Ragnarok set.

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03 Aug 2012, 16:22

Congrats to all winners!

I never expected my simple Filco to be mentioned honourably :D
I hope I recieve something I don't have so far.
If not, I will give it away to someone in the raffle who didn't won anything. Sounds fair?

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03 Aug 2012, 18:25

Now that I've had some sleep I have to say this: There were just too many awesome entries. We had a really hard time picking ones that we both liked. That's also why we are sending out gifts to 9 honorable mentions as well as the winners!

Next time I hope to get over 100 entries :D! (we got a little over 60 entries in total this time)

Thanks again for entering, and please don't hesitate to do a little dance when you see this thread and all the winners :))


03 Aug 2012, 21:01

Congrats to all the winners !!!

So excited i could not even...really feel so blessed.

Thank you thank you thank you to whoever involve in all of this :) never win something like that before that's why i'm a lil bit hyper here! aaaarrrrr!

Whatever the price is, i'm gonna enjoy it.

Special thanks to Glissant and his wife by dedicating their time for this.

Cheers everyone :D

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03 Aug 2012, 22:02

Congrats to all the winners, good show giving so much by Glissant and all who donated. 8-)

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05 Aug 2012, 06:05

I just got some messages out to people. It's slightly difficult to remember to check both sites every day, but nothing important happened, and I am still waiting for some of the honorable mentions to get back to me before I ship everything out.

Please get back to me about your address if you haven't already.

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10 Aug 2012, 08:08

I got all the honorable mentions packed and ready to go, but I still need to wait for the skull from net2522 and the tsangan kit before I can send out the prizes for megnin and cyngguru.
The winners if the keyboards have been forwarded to demik, who will deal with those prizes.


I hope people will post what they get in the mail :). I didn't send any special message with the packages. In retrospect I guess I should have so you would know what you got, but my Philly address is on there, so that should make it a little more clear.

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