Keyboard is a custom ordered red wood Filco (just to clarify that it is not self-modded).
Some of the keycaps are just concept mock-ups.
This is what the actual keyboard looks like as of now:
Rainbow caps are photoshopped in cos I had everything done right and thought of having them in at the last minute
But the keycaps do exist... the pastel ones are bought as a full 104 set, while the others are self-dyed.
And the weird guy for the twiddle key was very much real too
Gave it to a local distributor where I got most, and more importantly, my first mechanical keyboard from. So I no longer have it in my possession but felt the need to photoshop it in
The four cartoon barbie-like dolls, are from a Korean girlband, 2NE1, with their body and black-eyes edited out.
A bunch of us ordered them together. And each of us are given a matching avatar
Although not part of the group, we had one for the weird dude too
Mostly an internal joke but just a little something (not so "little" cos we did spent months for this) we organized to bring some color to our little forum
Webwit should know us
And possibly Ripster too, to a lesser extent?
Good luck to everyone!