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11 Aug 2012, 09:46

They all look pretty nice. I like the modern Terran logo better personally. Also the quake 3 looks pretty good just a bit off center, or it could be the angle of the picture.

If you can do modern terran, and do all three races on Escape and modifiers I may have found my next group buy through you once the Lambda is done. :D

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11 Aug 2012, 11:38

Sleabo keycaps - the next DT craze!


11 Aug 2012, 12:16

Nice job.
B-series is wonderful.
if power button can be transparent, perpect match on ESC led.
But, green is nice for me, too. Lovely Green.


11 Aug 2012, 15:01

Hi Guys
I have put some of the keycaps up on the website for pre-sales on the basis the customer understands they wont be ready to ship until september


11 Aug 2012, 15:12

Will you put up the Quake 1 key for presale? I really, really want a couple of those.


11 Aug 2012, 16:26

wake up, Quakers !!!!


11 Aug 2012, 16:59

Can you PM me a quote for the earth/wind/fire/water set, sc2 set, and power button?

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11 Aug 2012, 23:30

chaosstep wrote:wake up, Quakers !!!!
Done! Ordered Q3 and Power keys. Time for the waiting game.:D
Btw, is the Q3 Rune a little off-center, or is it just me?

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16 Aug 2012, 12:57

Nice work Sleabo :)

Trololo guy has been immortalized!

And that QIII logo looks toit!

Re Mad scientist.. it looks a tad, but that could be due the upward angle of that side of the key.. mebbe!


29 Aug 2012, 23:26

some more randoms
recycle keycap.JPG
recycle keycap.JPG (22.1 KiB) Viewed 2979 times
russian keycap.JPG
russian keycap.JPG (51.93 KiB) Viewed 2979 times
IMG_4332 (Large).JPG
IMG_4332 (Large).JPG (24.22 KiB) Viewed 2979 times
volume keycap.JPG
volume keycap.JPG (27.94 KiB) Viewed 2979 times
IMG_4324 (Large).JPG
IMG_4324 (Large).JPG (65.77 KiB) Viewed 2979 times

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