Cherry Russian Dyesub Keyboard ESA-3000-HASRO

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16 Dec 2012, 05:44

tinlong117 wrote:
yab8433408 wrote:它到底是热升华吗 它太美了~~~
是热升华 :) :)
不会英文真痛苦啊 哈哈~~~

我也很想拥有它 可惜它不是每个人都拥有的东西


16 Dec 2012, 05:49

yab8433408 wrote:
tinlong117 wrote:
yab8433408 wrote:它到底是热升华吗 它太美了~~~
是热升华 :) :)
不会英文真痛苦啊 哈哈~~~

我也很想拥有它 可惜它不是每个人都拥有的东西
呵呵, 之前在 售 85€,現在就 495€ 了

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16 Dec 2012, 07:17


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16 Dec 2012, 13:15

litster wrote:龍兄,歡迎再來DT。小弟十分好運,平價85€買到這罕見珍品.


litster 大哥您好 您叫我龙兄就是折杀我也 您叫我龙儿就成~~

我主要是英语不好 一般都只过来看看图片而已 偶尔看到好东西 用中文惊叹一下

这一把ESA-3000-HASRO键盘实在稀有 之前只在韩国键盘爱好者手中见到过 但并非全新

哪怕是G81-3000SAV 在全世界键盘爱好者中也并不算多 而全新就更加少见了 更显得您这把的稀有

而我非常喜欢带有俄罗斯字符的键盘 我只有能力搜集到一把全新G80-3000HAV

用这么低的价格购买到这种稀有键盘 实在好运 先祝贺您啊~~~

如果您还有这款键盘的更多内部图片的话 特别是键帽背面和电路板上的具体型号的图片

不知道是否方便发到的我邮箱 我的邮箱

Last edited by yab8433408 on 16 Dec 2012, 13:40, edited 1 time in total.

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16 Dec 2012, 13:31

tinlong117 wrote:
呵呵, 之前在 售 85€,現在就 495€ 了


香港的这位大哥 您好 小弟由于不懂外语 很少逛易趣 国外论坛也只是看图

但是这个事情我略有耳闻 听我朋友说 前段时间有两把全新键盘在德国易趣上出售

由于是一口价 在发布后很快就被人买下 成交价格不到100欧元

而卖家将另外一把非全新的这款键盘发布拍卖 最后以565欧元结束

所以 litster大哥 确实算是十分好运气了 可惜我们没有发现啊

现在原厂二色键帽复刻 希望原厂热升华键帽也能丛焕青春

不过值得一说的是 我之前花较贵的价格买的原厂红二色ESC和原厂二色RGB瞬间贬值了

现实就是这样 这就是运气 有人有好运 我的运气就不怎么样~~~

如果您有QQ 可以加我的QQ 84511167 我们可以互相探讨键盘方面的问题


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16 Dec 2012, 21:50

Inside of the keyboard. From the marking of the case halves, at least the case was made in 1991.
Cherry Russian Dyesub keyboard (2 of 5).jpg
Cherry Russian Dyesub keyboard (2 of 5).jpg (444.33 KiB) Viewed 10237 times
Cherry Russian Dyesub keyboard (3 of 5).jpg
Cherry Russian Dyesub keyboard (3 of 5).jpg (523.13 KiB) Viewed 10237 times
Cherry Russian Dyesub keyboard (4 of 5).jpg
Cherry Russian Dyesub keyboard (4 of 5).jpg (287.07 KiB) Viewed 10237 times
Cherry Russian Dyesub keyboard (5 of 5).jpg
Cherry Russian Dyesub keyboard (5 of 5).jpg (448.74 KiB) Viewed 10237 times
Russian Keyboard Case Date Marking (1 of 2).jpg
Russian Keyboard Case Date Marking (1 of 2).jpg (448.74 KiB) Viewed 10237 times
Russian Keyboard Case Date Marking (2 of 2).jpg
Russian Keyboard Case Date Marking (2 of 2).jpg (73.34 KiB) Viewed 10237 times

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16 Dec 2012, 21:59

Impressive pictures Litster. Don't change the background! :mrgreen:

It's a cool way of marking the date of production.

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16 Dec 2012, 22:00

A translation summary of the Chinese conversation...

yab8433408, aka Dragon Bro, asked if the keycaps are dye sub, and tinlong answered that they are. DB said it is painful to not know English, and said he wish he had one of these. Tinlong explained that it was sold on for 85 euros, but it is now being sold at 495 euros. I said welcome DB for visiting DT again, and told him that I was lucky to be able to buy this rare keyboard for only 85 euros.

DB said he comes to DT mainly to browse pictures because he doesn't understand English. And when he sees something interesting, he could only reply in Chinese. He said he have seen this keyboard from people he knows in South Korea, but it was used, not new. He really likes the Cyrillic printing. DB said he could only find a NIB G80-3000HAV before. He congratulated me for getting this keyboard for such a low price. He asked me to post more pictures of the keyboards innards, so I did. He also asked me to take pictures of the the underside of the keycaps, I forgot to do that.

Got to go, will translate the other parts later.

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Daniel Beardsmore

16 Dec 2012, 22:03

You should post the PCB photo to the wiki under Printed circuit board (page doesn't exist yet). All my attempts to get a clean, evenly lit (no glare) photo of a PCB failed.

And what's ESA? Why not G80?

I don't think that date marking method is all that unusual, though, btw.

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Wild Duck

16 Dec 2012, 22:21

Daniel Beardsmore wrote:All my attempts to get a clean, evenly lit (no glare) photo of a PCB failed.
Now you know why my winter photos are usually taken from a shitty angle. :mrgreen: I really should buy a better camera.

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Daniel Beardsmore

16 Dec 2012, 22:28

You need bright, diffused, even lighting — triggered flashes, umbrellas, that sort of thing. Trying to take close-up shots with a point-blank range flash won't work. I have nothing of the sort, and the summer won't be any better as then you just get a blown-out image with huge shadows. Decent photos are hard.

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Wild Duck

16 Dec 2012, 22:33

Hmm I already have a hobby.

In summer I just take 100 hundred photos and then one is decent by accident.

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16 Dec 2012, 22:35

A polarisation filter might do the trick. If you have a circular one, you can adjust which wavelenghts of lights get blocked (roughly).
But mostly requires a SLR.


16 Dec 2012, 22:42

I just take the shades off 3 lamps and put them in a semi circle of 1.5m or so from the object. This allows me to take nice photo even at night time. If I wasn't lazy I would make a light box, but my ghetto ways work fine. Also I reccomend use halogen bulb if you try this method. It give the most neutral lighting.

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The Tiproman

16 Dec 2012, 23:54

litster wrote:A translation summary of the Chinese conversation...
Got to go, will translate the other parts later.
Thanks a lot for having done and doing that,
and 你好 to our Chinese friends.

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17 Dec 2012, 02:44


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17 Dec 2012, 04:17

Daniel Beardsmore wrote:And what's ESA? Why not G80?
This is my own theory, but pretty truthlike.
ESA is Elektroschaltgerate Auerbach, also known as Robotron, a company which made computers in the communist East Germany (DDR). It appears that they licensed, or outright copied, the keyboard from the West German Cherry Corp, around 1990-91 when things started happening in the communist camp. By a very amusing coincidence, the Robotron factory and Cherry Corp had their headquarters in cities with the same name (Auerbach), but in different Lands, and their keyboards are so marked: Auerbach/Opf is Cherry, Auerbach/V is Robotron.

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The Tiproman

17 Dec 2012, 07:18

mbodrov wrote:[…] around 1990-91 when things started happening in the communist camp. […]
Very interesting and plausible theory, but there's one thing that must be corrected: things "started happening" much earlier.
The Berlin Wall fell 1989 and the GDR (=East Germany), which almost immediately had ceased to rule itself in economic matters, ceased to exist altogether on 3rd October 1990 with the German unification.

Now it would be interesting to know when exactly those keyboards were produced.

Count Troller

17 Dec 2012, 09:52

I'll take the risk - is no one repulsed by the gross Cyrillic symbols locations? Really?

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17 Dec 2012, 16:13

I don't really like how Ё is positioned. One feature that lets you know a Cherry doubleshot or dyesub keyboard at a glance is the very large tilde. And here the Ё was crammed in what little space remained next to ~. I guess their rationale was that every other red symbol on the numeric row is in the upper half of the keycap, and so should be the Ё. Later they moved it to the lower half, like all the other letters, as can be seen on my G80-3000SEARB:


Also note how the | \ / symbols are all printed within the bounds of a 1.0-width keycap on the 1.5 keycap above Enter. Later, they spread it out by moving the red / to the right. I think here I prefer the modern arrangement too.

Other than that, it's the standard positioning of the Cyrillic symbols, and on whatever rare occasions a manufacturer tried to get adventurous with it, nothing good came out of it.

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The Tiproman

17 Dec 2012, 16:44

Just as an additional info a picture of a AEG Olympia branded Cherry board in ISO format, with doubleshot Latin characters and printed Cyrillic characters. The caps themselves are coffee/cream coloured.
CherryCyrillicFont02.jpg (971.15 KiB) Viewed 10069 times

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17 Dec 2012, 16:55

I really have to visit you one day with my camera. The wiki needs way more photos!!!

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The Tiproman

17 Dec 2012, 17:13

7bit wrote:I really have to visit you one day with my camera. The wiki needs way more photos!!!
All the more so as I still have a keyboard of yours and a few caps you bought from my donation thread :D

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17 Dec 2012, 17:50

kbdfr wrote:
7bit wrote:I really have to visit you one day with my camera. The wiki needs way more photos!!!
All the more so as I still have a keyboard of yours and a few caps you bought from my donation thread :D
Yeah, great!

Please store them for me.

I will bring more keyboards for storage!

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17 Dec 2012, 17:57

kbdfr wrote:Just as an additional info a picture of a AEG Olympia branded Cherry board in ISO format, with doubleshot Latin characters and printed Cyrillic characters. The caps themselves are coffee/cream coloured.
Dude if you ever think of parting with that, give me first dibs! UK layout with latin/cyrillic, I'd be cooler than Stephen Fry!

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The Tiproman

17 Dec 2012, 18:06

On your picture you seem to have swapped I/Ш and U/Г ;)

Seing how the market is evolving by now, this one will cost 49,995£ by the time I will consider selling it :mrgreen:

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Elite +1

17 Dec 2012, 18:10

I can't see prices going much higher than they are now. For most it's a craze, after it dies down there will be a handful of people left. I think prices are going to peak in the next 6 months to a year then start to crash as gamers find something else that is shiney.

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17 Dec 2012, 18:20

fossala wrote:I can't see prices going much higher than they are now. For most it's a craze, after it dies down there will be a handful of people left. I think prices are going to peak in the next 6 months to a year then start to crash as gamers find something else that is shiney.
You think it's the gamers with disposable income and no self control is the root cause of this silliness?

Should we try and steer the crowd towards rare single malts and collecting those? no hang on... bad idea I don't want my whisky to cost more.

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17 Dec 2012, 18:24

dirge wrote:Should we try and steer the crowd towards rare single malts and collecting those? no hang on... bad idea I don't want my whisky to cost more.
I would not really like this step as well… I can't really afford Whisky anyway…

But I don't really think it's gamers, rather people who discovered that keyboards can be a great good to invest in.

Count Troller

17 Dec 2012, 18:58

mbodrov wrote:Other than that, it's the standard positioning of the Cyrillic symbols, and on whatever rare occasions a manufacturer tried to get adventurous with it, nothing good came out of it.
I meant the clearly lost symmetry - the Cyrillic legends are on the edge of the keycap, those on the number row being extremely unpleasant. Your picture is much better.

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