Worldwide Switch Try Numpad CHERRY

This is where the older threads are stored for the try before you buy ( sinklist ) items

19 Oct 2012, 20:07

Xingularity wrote:Just arrived! Will do photos etc tonight.
Glad to hear it arrived!

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24 Oct 2012, 12:17

Sorry it's taken me so long to get this out; I have no excuse, I've been royally slack. My apologies!

Official verdict: Wow! This is one of the coolest pieces of technology to touch these hands!

From somewhere you'd rather be

The surprise bag had a couple of curiosities. I don't recognise the figure on the etched cap. I swapped out shibby's doubleshot because radioactive. I'm keeping the zombie minifig too - he'll make for a good companion for Left 4 Dead sessions! I replaced him with another toy of sorts :)

He's gonna do it!

On to the switches, I guess:
  • Browns: My first board had browns. They have a light, tactile feel which is pleasant to the touch. Both typing and gaming are leaps and bounds above a rubber board.
  • Clears: Tactile like the browns, but with a more pronounced bump and a stiffer spring. They feel really muddy; as if my fingers are getting stuck on them. I get the feeling that I would find clears tiring to type on for a whole day.
  • Blues: I use a blue board at work. The audible click seems to help my fingers calibrate their push force, subconsciously. Haven't played games on that one, but I expect it would be alright. There might be too much finger-lifting involved to be comfortable playing shooters.
  • Whites: What is this I don't even... Eww. They feel like lazy blues. I don't get a click unless they bottom out, and even then, it's really wimpy. No thanks.
  • Blacks: I can't believe how amazingly smooth these feel - I can see why blacks are a gaming favourite. Typing wouldn't be awful, but it's definitely more suited to gaming. I really don't need to buy another keyboard, but when I do (and I know I will, because I just can't help myself), it'll probably have these.
  • Reds: Just as smooth as the blacks, but softer. They bottom out way too easily to be suitable for typing.
  • Greens: This is amazing! It feels like a really meaty blue. Lots of pushback, and a very pronounced click. I would happily type on a board full of these. It's a pity there's only one on the pad.
  • Tactile greys: This key seems to have the same pronounced bump as the clears, but with an even stiffer spring. I think the spring helps, because it doesn't feel muddy like the clears. If I were forced to use a "slient" board for work, it would be a tough call between these and browns.
  • Linear dark-greys: My opinion on this switch has flip-flopped a bit. Initially I thought it was fantastic, then later I considered that its weight might lead to fatigue when holding a key down (eg. W) while gaming. But playing with it now, I'm back on board with it. I really like the force it pushes back with. If I decide to go the whole hog and mod a board just for gaming, I'm putting these in it. I suspect that even the most indefatigable among us would have trouble typing on these, however.
MrInterface, I've PM'd you in preparation for its safe return. Thanks again for building this excellent device!


26 Oct 2012, 04:09

Is round 2 still open? Would like to take a test run too with the switches. Thanks

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26 Oct 2012, 10:04

Hey notsmart....

What is your location?

The switch try numpad is on its way back to me. Round 3 will start as soon as I got it back.


26 Oct 2012, 13:53

NY, US. Sorry forgot to put that in, thanks.


29 Oct 2012, 16:01

Xingularity wrote:
On to the switches, I guess:
  • Greens: This is amazing! It feels like a really meaty blue. Lots of pushback, and a very pronounced click. I would happily type on a board full of these. It's a pity there's only one on the pad.
Carter on Geekhack posted a purposely vague and ominous thread hinting at the possibility of a Cooler Master keyboard with MX Greens. Your dream could come true!

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30 Oct 2012, 01:35

Just an update: I have posted the numpad back to MrInterface, but despite my insistence that the postage include tracking, the postal clerkslave failed to make it trackable. Said drone also vastly undervalued it at A$30 before sending it on its way. So, my apologies for all this, and I hope it arrives soon.
shibbyllama wrote:Carter on Geekhack posted a purposely vague and ominous thread hinting at the possibility of a Cooler Master keyboard with MX Greens. Your dream could come true!
Do Want!

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02 Nov 2012, 18:02

The cherry switch try numpad just arrived at my place.

Thanx for the nice gifts in the surprise bag! I even got a mx keychain with mx blue in it. Cool, I did not have one of those :-)

It occurs to me that a surprise bag like this could be an extra stimulator for people to offer stuff to try before you buy lists : you start it of with something small inside the surprise bag and you get something back with more stuff in it! Kinda like the red paperclip story


14 Nov 2012, 09:57

hi, where can i get one of these? is any1 selling? location: Canada

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The Beard

14 Nov 2012, 17:38

Mrinterface wrote:The cherry switch try numpad just arrived at my place.

Thanx for the nice gifts in the surprise bag! I even got a mx keychain with mx blue in it. Cool, I did not have one of those :-)

It occurs to me that a surprise bag like this could be an extra stimulator for people to offer stuff to try before you buy lists : you start it of with something small inside the surprise bag and you get something back with more stuff in it! Kinda like the red paperclip story
Would you mind posting a pic of the final suprises?

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14 Nov 2012, 18:57

Surprisebagcontents.jpg (1.76 MiB) Viewed 21564 times


24 Nov 2012, 04:48

Round 2 USA still available??

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25 Nov 2012, 12:46

tobr1an wrote:Round 2 USA still available??
Soon :-)


28 Nov 2012, 22:34

Okay :)


20 Dec 2012, 15:11

Hey, you can remove me from the list. Almost made one myself.

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20 Dec 2012, 15:45


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29 Dec 2012, 15:58

May I join in on this? :)
I'm form Sweden :)
Ps. Is it okey if or when I get the numpad I send it in a Fallout 3 lunchbox to the next person :)?

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29 Dec 2012, 18:53

Yeah, sure.... I'll start a new round soon ( after the holidays... )

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10 Jan 2013, 08:50

Update : Keep an eye on this thread. A new round will start soon!

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21 Jan 2013, 21:05

Hello everybody,
I am new to mechanical keyboards, well the new ones I have an acer 6312 if I dont remember wrong. I would like to get a TKL board and I would like to try the different switches. Can I take part in the try before you buy. Or do I need an amount of posts so you know me :D
Im from Spain.


21 Jan 2013, 21:13

pheo wrote:Can I take part in the try before you buy. Or do I need an amount
Welcome! :)
The new round starting soon (whenever that is) requires that you've been a member for at least a month.

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21 Jan 2013, 23:21

rodtang wrote:
pheo wrote:Can I take part in the try before you buy. Or do I need an amount
Welcome! :)
The new round starting soon (whenever that is) requires that you've been a member for at least a month.
Thank you very much I will try to be active. And I have just seen there is an european version I could take part.

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22 Jan 2013, 12:01

Updated OP with new subscription round!


22 Jan 2013, 17:27

This can be archived.


24 Jan 2013, 23:42

How big and heavy is this thing with packaging?

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24 Jan 2013, 23:47

rodtang wrote:How big and heavy is this thing with packaging?
I'll measure tomorrow.

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25 Jan 2013, 18:47

Inner box : 20cm x 15cm
Outer box : ????
Weight : 340 grams


25 Jan 2013, 19:09

Thanks, turn out the size/weight doesn't matter much when using tracked shipping inside or to the rest of the world from Norway, you have to pay for a 1-2kg to just get tracking offered.


08 May 2017, 21:55

Hey guys this is a great idea is this still going around i would love to get in on this i am unsure what my favorite switch is and want to try something of this nature to help me decide. If it is not a thing were did you purchase the board from.
Thanks in advanced.

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08 May 2017, 23:10

The last post in this thread was over four years ago...

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