New Poker coming soon

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30 Dec 2012, 11:35

Two different is poker II, other one is poker pro...u can click the link to see some information if u are interested in...
my english is not very good so it's difficult for me to translate for u guys...sorry


现款的Poker还会继续出升级版本 在改进的时候 我加入了大量全新的功能 保留经典的同时

更加方便快捷 力求使用简单 当然 价格也会维持在原来的水平 所以兄弟问会不会超过500

那肯定是不会的 这个版本应该还未那么快出来 名字叫Poker II

其实最近一年我的精力基本放在如何使得Poker成为一款没有太多限制的键盘 自由自在无限发挥

个性强烈 普适 方便 熟悉 很多水火不容的特点我想把他们都统一到poker上面 最后 。。。。

真的做到了 所以我说是一款革命性的键盘 他的名字叫Poker Pro 如果顺利的话 下个月应该可以



there may have more different editions of poker
the new poker(poker II) will have a improved edition, when I'm working on this, I have put a lot of new functions in it, this new poker keeps the functions of the original poker, and aims for convenience... and the price will just like the original poker..

to be honest.. I devoted myself into making poker a keyboard without limitations.. easy to use, have unique features, some thing we familiar and convenient.. I really want to put many different features into poker, and finally I made it.. so I said it could be a remarkable keyboard.. if things going smoothly, this keyboard named poker pro will be introduced to public next month

these are the things I know..i'm sorry for my poor english because i come from China.. hope you guys can understand what I said.. and I'm looking forward to new pokers :D

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30 Dec 2012, 11:36

the price of poker II is no more than 500rmb(in China), maybe


30 Dec 2012, 11:48

The new poker come with a more weird layout. stupid bottom row like noppo choco mini, 1.25, 1, 1,1.25, 4 or 5 space bar, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. How stupid it is. You can't even change the keycaps to make it unique.
tapaupload0.jpg (331.18 KiB) Viewed 6616 times

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Elite +1

30 Dec 2012, 11:52

I know what fn is, but what about pn?

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30 Dec 2012, 12:00

tinlong117 wrote:The new poker come with a more weird layout. stupid bottom row like noppo choco mini, 1.25, 1, 1,1.25, 4 or 5 space bar, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. How stupid it is. You can't even change the keycaps to make it unique.
i think u are right but what about the other edition?

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30 Dec 2012, 12:01

fossala wrote:I know what fn is, but what about pn?
no idea..sorry


30 Dec 2012, 12:06

fossala wrote:I know what fn is, but what about pn?
Programmable layer.

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Elite +1

30 Dec 2012, 12:08

laffindude wrote:
fossala wrote:I know what fn is, but what about pn?
Programmable layer.
Thanks, bit annoying that you can't program both layers.


30 Dec 2012, 12:22

That layout would suit me a lot better than the previous pokers - I'm tempted to pick one up.


30 Dec 2012, 12:25

Josh, your English is much better than what google translate comes up with!

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30 Dec 2012, 12:30

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30 Dec 2012, 12:32

hoggy wrote:Josh, your English is much better than what google translate comes up with!
thanks.. i think i need more practice...


30 Dec 2012, 12:34

@Fossala: Exactly. I wanted a DIP switch setting to swap what you've programmed on the Pn to Fn layer. Then still have a separate programmable layer accessed vs the Pn key, or locked on with that toggle function (it is functions as Pn layer lock). There is a write protect DIP switch setting. So, for example, you can program Colemak on the Pn layer and not have to worry about overwriting it, and have backup QWERTY mode for whatever reason you need it.

But... I hate the bottom right cluster. I didn't mind the 1x R-Shift, but the front row is hard to find without looking since they're all 1x keys.


30 Dec 2012, 12:43

The new key sizes makes me glad I bought the Poker when I did. Back enough having the weird key sizes on the Noppoo without having it on the Poker as well.

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30 Dec 2012, 13:58

tinlong117 wrote:The new poker come with a more weird layout. stupid bottom row like noppo choco mini, 1.25, 1, 1,1.25, 4 or 5 space bar, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. How stupid it is. You can't even change the keycaps to make it unique.
the picture you showed is pure pro... the same as the poker pro?

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30 Dec 2012, 14:16

iso layout available ?


30 Dec 2012, 17:17

I don't like the Pro at all, way too much compromise made to add cursor keys. It's like they took everything awful about HHKB JPpro and made it worse. I think Ducky Nordic is having II version with more standard layout in ISO, but maybe it's something different but similar.

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formerly prdlm2009

30 Dec 2012, 23:07

Not a fan of those 1x shift keys. I know some folks here have said they don't like the abnormal bottom layer of the Choc Mini, but I found that to be the best layout of the small keyboards.

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Daniel Beardsmore

31 Dec 2012, 02:13

@Josh — is it meant to be "PMODE" or "PMDDE"? ^_^


31 Dec 2012, 09:11

Ah you pointed it out. I wanted to see if it makes it to production stage again. Pure had a herp derp error too. You can tell your non-LED Pure is from the initial batch by the enter key. It says Ctrl + Alt + ESC.

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31 Dec 2012, 10:59

I think it's a cool keyboard, but the thing I hate the most about vortex keyboards is that the case is so low.
Other then that I think it have some really nice features.

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31 Dec 2012, 14:38

phetto wrote:I think it's a cool keyboard, but the thing I hate the most about vortex keyboards is that the case is so low.
Other then that I think it have some really nice features.
And I'm on the other side of the coin, I actually like the low-profile cases. :mrgreen:

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Daniel Beardsmore

31 Dec 2012, 15:46

laffindude wrote:Ah you pointed it out. I wanted to see if it makes it to production stage again. Pure had a herp derp error too. You can tell your non-LED Pure is from the initial batch by the enter key. It says Ctrl + Alt + ESC.
Perhaps due to the lack of spaces in Japanese, Diatec keyboards still say "CapsLock" instead of "Caps Lock". Even Realforce keyboards get letter spacing all weird — the designers just don't seem to understand how Latin languages are supposed to look.

The new Poker has a "wish I were a Das Keyboard" font :)


01 Jan 2013, 07:02

These boards are designed by engineers, not designers. Font face isn't very important to them. Not that I am a font snob. As long as it isn't painful to look at and legible, I am cool with it. Then again, I prefer blank boards myself. Font and legend quirks? No problem ;)

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