IZOT - Bulgarian Military Keyboard

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Daniel Beardsmore

07 Mar 2017, 20:14

Interesting. So the reed switches may also be ИЗОТ in addition to the Cherry M9 clones. The Bulgarians here need to do some digging. (So the information icon in the forum header is useful indeed.)

It's also curious that there's an angled keystem version — sadly not in the store selling the NOS parts. (Which do smell strange … a sort of robotic floral fragrance that lingers on your fingers.)

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-Horned Rabbit-

10 Mar 2017, 03:37

Daniel Beardsmore wrote: Interesting. So the reed switches may also be ИЗОТ in addition to the Cherry M9 clones. The Bulgarians here need to do some digging. (So the information icon in the forum header is useful indeed.)

It's also curious that there's an angled keystem version — sadly not in the store selling the NOS parts. (Which do smell strange … a sort of robotic floral fragrance that lingers on your fingers.)

You know a store with these switches? I need at least 8 more for a project board based on a 58 key version pravetz I just purchased.

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Daniel Beardsmore

10 Mar 2017, 09:18

There is (there was a topic about it) but they don't seem to deal with anyone outside of Bulgaria, so you'll have to have some of mine.

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