Hello GH refugees.

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30 Jun 2012, 22:02

thegunner100 wrote:I think ripster IS r00tw0rm.
You give that d-bag way too much credit.

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30 Jun 2012, 22:09

ripschter.jpg (17.75 KiB) Viewed 3940 times

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30 Jun 2012, 23:26

DanGWanG wrote:Ever watched "How to make it in America?" Rasta monsta!!!!
No, but my bro made me watch that new Marley documentary today. I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would.


01 Jul 2012, 04:31

Is there a group buy on r00tw0rm keycaps?

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01 Jul 2012, 04:42

If Hashbaz doesn't start a GB for them when GH gets back up, I will do it myself!


01 Jul 2012, 05:51


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01 Jul 2012, 08:12

Shouldn't that be fucked by rootworm?

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01 Jul 2012, 10:50

dirge wrote:Shouldn't that be fucked by rootworm?

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02 Jul 2012, 18:26

With the first on-topic post in this thread (including OP) It's the man formerly known as Internetlad.


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02 Jul 2012, 18:29


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Input Nirvana

02 Jul 2012, 18:58

Geekhack Refugees....hilarious.

A lot of this flak can be minimized, ya'll just mixing the pot more than needed. But as long as GH is down, the natural premise is that it's dead. Common sense (and I) would encourage everyone to make alternative arrangements (personal emails, Deskthority, or whatever) because no one really knows what the ultimate capability or intent of ROOTWORM is and what may continue to happen. So plan for the worst, hope for the best.


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02 Jul 2012, 22:41


03 Jul 2012, 00:21

Hi. I am the same akerasi as occasionally hung out on Geekhack. I recently had one hell of a thrift store find... Cherry G80-3000 with blues and G80-1800 with browns, new in box, 4 bucks each. I spend too much time at work to really go on Geekhack for much other than trading, but I was planning on perhaps spending some of my recent overtime money on some nice keycaps... especially after those new boards came into my possession. They need some bling.

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03 Jul 2012, 02:47

akerasi wrote:...G80-1800 with browns
You should sell that one to me at 1000% profit. I'll pay shipping. Deal?


03 Jul 2012, 04:01

sorry Didja, but I plan on using that as a base for a mod project. G80-1800 is actually my favorite layout... I literally grew up with one, not knowing why every keyboard but mine sucked ;). The mod is doing a variable force board like my others with blue stems instead of clears. However, if someone wants a G80-3000 with Browns or perhaps Blacks, I have no attachment to that body and might be willing to make a good deal.

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2 girls 1 cuprubber

03 Jul 2012, 04:18

Akerasi - what color is the case?

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