JohnVenture wrote:Hello, I have 4 quick questions before ordering - apologies if these were answered somewhere in the 122 pages of the topic, couldn't find the info on the wiki/OP.
- Does the rebate work group-buy wide or is it per-command only? E.g if I order 1 set of bepo and someone else orders one will we both have 75% or would it only apply if I alone was to buy 2?
- If the rebate is group-buy wide, is there a way for the bot to tell how many people ordered each part?
- What is the difference between a HONEY/STD125ISO/BASE (Standard 1.25 units ISO base kit) and the HONEY/TKLISOBASE (TKL ISO base kit) besides the lack of numpad kays? The 'Standard 1.25 units' is freaking me out while both seem similar in size, or am I missing something here?
- The 'ç' character of the bepo layout (to the left of Row 2) isn't centered, the keycap is bigger than the other ones and should be row 3, is it by design or a mere graphic mistake?
Reference of the bepo layout from (ç is located to the right of return):
The 1.5 units Ç key is for ANSI keyboards. There is a row 3, 1 units Ç key more to the right in the graphic.
But maybe the 1.5 units Ç should have the legend centred like any other key?