AEK II on Windows 10?

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24 Mar 2021, 01:33

Hey guys, I was wondering if it's possible to easily or intermediately find a way to use the Apple Extended Keyboard II on a modern Windows PC? I've got one in my sights right now and I'd really like to own it, but I don't know if it would be worth paying for something that isn't going to be of any use.

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24 Mar 2021, 01:35

Long story short, yes you can. You can either buy a premade converter or if you have some basic electronics skills you can build one. Price will range from ~$15-$40 for a converter iirc.

This thread might be useful to you.

Last edited by Willy4876 on 24 Mar 2021, 01:42, edited 1 time in total.


24 Mar 2021, 01:37

Something like this should work

I don't have an ADB convertor, but it should be pretty similar to an XT convertor.


24 Mar 2021, 01:41

The wiki lists four converters, including Hasu's TMK (linked-to above). I've also seen some on eBay that are not in the Wiki.

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24 Mar 2021, 09:37

One which recently came to my attention:

Not tried it myself though. Another thing to try is Orihalcon’s store on eBay.


24 Mar 2021, 10:51

Thorogrimm wrote: 24 Mar 2021, 01:33 Hey guys, I was wondering if it's possible to easily or intermediately find a way to use the Apple Extended Keyboard II on a modern Windows PC? I've got one in my sights right now and I'd really like to own it, but I don't know if it would be worth paying for something that isn't going to be of any use.
Yeah need a converter tho, we would be happy to guide you through making one, shouldn’t cost you more than 10 quid. Go get that boi!!

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25 Mar 2021, 12:55

Dude! That's my main mouse too!

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25 Mar 2021, 13:17

I too use a computer. Methinks we could be the same person 🤔

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25 Mar 2021, 13:27

ddrfraser1 wrote: 25 Mar 2021, 13:17 I too use a computer. Methinks we could be the same person 🤔
It's uncanny, man.

(Also, the spam post by kerlin above mine is gone, so now this makes even less sense, impressively enough!)

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25 Mar 2021, 15:41

up until 2 weeks ago i was using an AEK on windows 10 with a griffin iMate. There were a bunch on ebay a while ago for $40.00 but those seem to have dried up. Shame, as its literally plug and play if you don't want to tinker.

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