Running CDE on linux

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Elite +1

24 Aug 2012, 12:59

I have been following CDE being made usable on Linux. At last I got it working.
Here is where you guys can grab it.


24 Aug 2012, 13:27

that is so old school

whats that things memory footprint i am guessing quite low considering its age

then again the code may be a total mess

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24 Aug 2012, 13:35

bwahaha, great, just great!
Just one week ago I met somebody, who claimed, that CDE is still the best desktop environment, and was sad that it couldn't be used anymore. I so have to show this project to him!

But I for myself prefer XMonad

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Elite +1

24 Aug 2012, 13:36

Seems to be around 80MB including all the things than need to be running.

I used to use xmonad, I then got a 1920x1200 monitor and tiling WM just don't work well.


24 Aug 2012, 13:54

i use i3 myself with Dmenu i would use DWM but i cba messing round with c to change settings works fine on my 1920x1200 monitor in fact i think tiling works better the higher the res, i use tmux on my rasberry pi

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Elite +1

24 Aug 2012, 13:56

Don't know how long I will stick with CDE, but it's running fine for what I normally do.

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2 girls 1 cuprubber

24 Aug 2012, 20:16

i've been really digging evilwm but it has no tiling support. its good for running things full screen on small laptops though.

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Elite +1

25 Aug 2012, 20:26

Have any of you used OpenBSD's CWM? It's one of the best window managers out there. Here is the Linux build It's quite close to EvilWM but more functionality.
And here is an article on it. ... 0502141551
cwm is a window manager for X11 initially inspired by evilwm. It developed out of modifications to evilwm, but eventually the code base of evilwm did not accomodate well for the new features added. So cwm was written from scratch.

cwm has several novel features, including the ability to search for windows. it features a very simple and attractive aesthetic.

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2 girls 1 cuprubber

29 Aug 2012, 20:35

cwm looks cool but has too many features for my taste. i played with it a bit yesterday on a machine I put openbsd on but it wasn't compelling enough to keep using.

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