[Project] detachable USB from

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05 Feb 2011, 18:37

the idea was to make the keyboard detachable usb from a PC slot aperture USB and a USB cable plug A plug A:
start.jpg (100.17 KiB) Viewed 3729 times
next step:
next.jpg (132.99 KiB) Viewed 3729 times
but once i connect the cable to usb bush (socket) and connect to the pc
i got only "unknown device"

i know there is a design failure.
the PC slot aperture USB normally is connected to pc and not to devices but...
can you resolve the puzzle? is that possible at all?

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Gasbag Guru

05 Feb 2011, 18:48

I see no reason why it should not work. Did you make sure the pinout is correct? Maybe someone in the Chinese company that makes the plugs screwed up or something like that. In theory there should be no problem as long as you have the pinout right. Some guy has done a similar mod with a Filco and included a USB hub as a bonus.

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05 Feb 2011, 21:52

Maybe you should maximally shorten the length of wire used. I did my share of haphazard USB cording before and Windows would often complain, doing that or downgrading to USB 1.1. I think it's an issue of shielding. Also, yes, never trust the wire colors, and verify them.

EDIT: read about the problems I encountered when I tried to make (way longer) USB extension cords. Some good explanations there.


15 Feb 2011, 06:56

There's a wiki for this. Colors should be standard.

http://geekhack.org/showwiki.php?title= ... bling+tips

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15 Feb 2011, 11:45

ripster wrote:There's a wiki for this. Colors should be standard.

http://geekhack.org/showwiki.php?title= ... bling+tips
yep, colors are standard to the extent that verifying that you have a solid reconnection per wire is only needed when soemthing goes wrong. sometimes the shielding shroud leads to a fifth wire.

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15 Feb 2011, 18:01

all crap, i think there is a missunderstood with the A to A USB Plug cable

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