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The full-size or 100% keyboard nomenclature is used for saying that a keyboard is in a form factor with all regular keys of the IBM PC platform.

A full-size keyboard has a numeric keypad, arrow keys, nav cluster and function keys in sections around a alphanumeric section.

The quintessential "full-size" keyboard is the IBM Enhanced Keyboard (the most common Model M). It was not the first keyboard in its form factor or the first IBM PC keyboard, but as it came as standard with IBM PC's from 1987, its layout set the standard and was influential to other platforms such as Macintosh.

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The number of keys for a full-size PC keyboard range typically from 101 (winkeyless ANSI) to 106 (ISO with Windows keys). Keyboards with four additional keys above the numeric keypad, or (unimportant) media keys scattered around it are also called "full size"