Goldtouch Adjustable Keyboard

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Goldtouch Adjustable Keyboard
Goldtouch Adjustable keyboard (ANSI white) - top view.jpg
Manufacturer Mitsumi, Silitek, …
Features Tenting
Keyswitches Mitsumi KFK Type, …

Goldtouch Adjustable keyboard is a series of ergonomic keyboards from Goldtouch.



This old model uses Mitsumi KFK Type switches, and features in the KFK Type datasheet. The escape key is at the top left above the two extra columns on the left side, and caps lock, right shift and right control are stepped. The status LEDs are tied to their respective keys by way of lines moulded into the plastic.


This model is very similar to the KFK-E87YB that it seemingly replaced. The escape key is moved into the normal position relative to the other keys, and there are no stepped keycaps. The status LEDs are tied to their respective keys using a printed label.

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