IBM Trackpoint II Keyboard

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IBM Model M13
Branding IBM, Lexmark, Maxi Switch, Unicomp
Manufacturer Lexmark, Maxi Switch
Product family IBM Model M
Layouts ANSI, ISO
Keyswitches Buckling spring over membrane
Interface PS/2
Precedes IBM Model M5-1 & IBM Model M5-2

IBM TrackPoint II are IBM Model M keyboards with an integrated trackpoint. Although most of them are black, some beige exist. Black models use pad printing while the beige ones used dye-sublimated keycaps.

Part numbers

As there is only one model, the M13, this page will be listing the different part numbers.


This part number is specific to a keyboard made by Lexmark. It features a split spacebar. The right split spacebar is supposed to be backspace (I think needs to be verified).


This unit is made both by Maxi Switch, and by Lexmark and uses a black case.

Maxi Switch FCC ID: D7J1378190, Fru No: 13H6710

Lexmark FCC ID: IYL1378190, Fru No: 13H6705

Keycaps are pad printed.[2]


Made by Unicomp, industrial case.


Beige Japanese model made in the USA, with a form factor loosely resembling an M2.


Made by Lexmark, Beige color scheme. FCC ID: IYL1378190



This keyboard seems to be a quite "normal" M13. It was made by Lexmark. It features a Beige colour scheme, that does mean that the keycaps legends are made by dye-sublimation.
