KeySonic ACK-109BL

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KeySonic ACK-109BL
Branding KeySonic
Features Flexible and waterproof
Power keys
Layouts Derived from Asian 101 and ISO
Keyswitches Membrane
Interface USB and PS/2
Dimensions 495 × 138 × 11 mm
Weight 249 g
Price ca. €10

KeySonic ACK-109BL is a waterproof roll-up keyboard, blue in colour.


The cable is USB, and a USB-PS/2 adapter is included. The keyboard rolls up along its long edge, and it is supplied in a cylindrical plastic tub instead of a rectangular cardboard box. The controller board is placed into a taller area on the far right, and the indicator lights are also within this section. The use of translucent materials allows the controller and membranes to be viewed.

Print Screen, Scroll Lock and Pause/Break are moved down into the navigation cluster to make room for three power keys: Wake Up, Sleep and Power. The layout is otherwise fairly standard. The other notable difference is that backspace and space are split. Backspace is split into two single-unit keys. The space bar is split into three keys: 1.25-unit keys surrounding the space bar, with all three labelled "Space".

ACK-109BL seems to be typically ISO-derived, but an Asian 101–derived version also exists. This version retains the two 1-unit backspace keys, so the hash key is relocated to the bottom right, and the centre space key may be shortened accordingly.[1]



ISO-derived German layout.

External links
