Mitsumi KEK-EA4AU

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Mitsumi KEK-EA4AU
Model no. KEK-EA4AU (104-key)
KEK-EA4AU (109-key)
Manufacturer Mitsumi
Keyswitches Mitsumi KEK Type
Interface PS/2
Dimensions 362.59 × 128.74 × 22.19 mm

KEK-EA4AU (104-key) and KEK-EA4AU (109-key) are models of reduced-pitch rubber dome over membrane keyboards from Mitsumi.


KEK-EA4AU and KEK-EA9AU are fairly typical-looking keyboards, but they feature a reduced key pitch of 15.30 mm; this is estimated to save 40% of the space consumed by the full-size, 19.0 mm pitch KFK-EA4XA. The 2 mm travel of the KEK Type switches also allows for the keyboard to be quite thin.


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