Signature Plastics PBT colours
Signature Plastics PBT colour table.
The data for the wiki was sourced from Ian Prest's Keyboard Layout Editor. The colours were sampled from colour chips using an X-Rite ColorMunki photospectrometer, and converted to sRGB (D65) using the formulas on Bruce Lindbloom's website. The representations you see here will only be accurate if your monitor is properly calibrated to display sRGB colours.
Also, material shifts in colour from batch to batch; on 2013-02-28, Signature Plastics responded to an enquiry on this matter:
"Unfortunately we do not have a color correspondence to Pantone numbers. The majority of our colors were created from keycap 'samples' from other customers over the years. Material also shifts in color from lot to lot (order to order) and where there were once Pantone matches, the color has shifted too much over the years to call it a current match."
BCT | RGB(0, 117, 173) | |
BDJ | RGB(39, 144, 194) | |
BDO | RGB(0, 155, 202) | |
BFB | RGB(0, 120, 163) | |
BFC | RGB(167, 208, 219) | |
BFD | RGB(46, 110, 166) | |
BFE | RGB(149, 191, 232) | |
BFF | RGB(81, 192, 221) | |
BFG | RGB(121, 187, 236) | |
BFH | RGB(64, 143, 179) | |
BFV | RGB(93, 205, 227) | |
BFW | RGB(52, 164, 185) | |
GAH | RGB(129, 129, 126) | |
GCA | RGB(180, 178, 171) | |
GCH | RGB(160, 152, 136) | |
GDE | RGB(144, 149, 150) | |
GDL | RGB(172, 164, 148) | |
GDM | RGB(200, 196, 184) | |
GEC | RGB(146, 147, 144) | |
GGX | RGB(174, 174, 171) | |
GHO | RGB(175, 176, 174) | |
GJQ | RGB(130, 128, 122) | |
GJW | RGB(143, 135, 127) | |
GKK | RGB(196, 200, 197) | |
GKL | RGB(155, 147, 129) | |
GKP | RGB(141, 136, 122) | |
GMC | RGB(171, 172, 171) | |
GQC | RGB(161, 157, 145) | |
GQJ | RGB(186, 188, 186) | |
GQN | RGB(195, 185, 170) | |
GQP | RGB(164, 157, 151) | |
GQT | RGB(82, 85, 84) | |
GRA | RGB(193, 192, 183) | |
GRZ | RGB(174, 176, 176) | |
GSE | RGB(123, 120, 113) | |
GSF | RGB(45, 50, 56) | |
GSG | RGB(199, 192, 181) | |
GSJ | RGB(191, 192, 192) | |
GSK | RGB(162, 162, 166) | |
GSN | RGB(186, 183, 173) | |
GSO | RGB(155, 152, 141) | |
GSQ | RGB(130, 134, 135) | |
GTK | RGB(200, 193, 177) | |
GTP | RGB(146, 140, 125) | |
NQ | RGB(43, 44, 46) | |
OAL | RGB(255, 109, 26) | |
OAX | RGB(255, 121, 33) | |
OAY | RGB(255, 176, 123) | |
OAZ | RGB(241, 111, 59) | |
OBB | RGB(255, 127, 34) | |
OT | RGB(244, 121, 30) | |
OW | RGB(192, 71, 44) | |
RAA | RGB(193, 60, 57) | |
RAG | RGB(226, 103, 87) | |
RAR | RGB(203, 47, 42) | |
RBD | RGB(211, 25, 41) | |
RBH | RGB(184, 27, 36) | |
RBR | RGB(205, 46, 49) | |
RCA | RGB(210, 144, 180) | |
RCB | RGB(133, 126, 177) | |
RCC | RGB(209, 60, 66) | |
RCD | RGB(191, 186, 209) | |
RCE | RGB(108, 102, 128) | |
RCF | RGB(199, 72, 82) | |
RCG | RGB(255, 178, 210) | |
RCH | RGB(255, 173, 206) | |
RCK | RGB(200, 51, 55) | |
RCL | RGB(243, 150, 171) | |
RCM | RGB(155, 100, 130) | |
RCP | RGB(205, 47, 44) | |
TT | RGB(192, 164, 128) | |
UP | RGB(227, 226, 221) | |
VAL | RGB(108, 162, 157) | |
VAZ | RGB(0, 144, 87) | |
VBD | RGB(147, 201, 183) | |
VCA | RGB(0, 152, 126) | |
VCB | RGB(133, 187, 168) | |
VCC | RGB(69, 184, 102) | |
VCD | RGB(0, 109, 89) | |
VCE | RGB(122, 218, 189) | |
VCG | RGB(11, 171, 78) | |
VCH | RGB(0, 164, 119) | |
VCR | RGB(0, 131, 62) | |
VCT | RGB(11, 171, 74) | |
VS | RGB(36, 83, 67) | |
WAN | RGB(232, 231, 227) | |
WAS | RGB(223, 218, 207) | |
WAT | RGB(194, 190, 177) | |
WBK | RGB(226, 219, 202) | |
WBR | RGB(199, 195, 180) | |
WCS | RGB(195, 191, 174) | |
WCV | RGB(208, 198, 185) | |
WCX | RGB(229, 219, 202) | |
WDG | RGB(241, 237, 230) | |
WFJ | RGB(217, 218, 224) | |
WFN | RGB(200, 196, 182) | |
YAF | RGB(255, 224, 141) | |
YAM | RGB(255, 209, 0) | |
YAS | RGB(249, 205, 49) | |
YBT | RGB(244, 220, 156) | |
YBV | RGB(250, 208, 61) | |
YBZ | RGB(212, 135, 42) | |
YCJ | RGB(232, 169, 0) | |
YR | RGB(255, 193, 0) |