Speedlink Bedrock

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Speedlink Bedrock
Speedlink Bedrock -- top with cable.jpg
Branding Speedlink
Features Splash proof
Layouts Derived from ISO
Keyswitches Rubber dome over membrane
Interface USB
Rollover 2KRO
Dimensions 43.0 × 14.3 × 2.4 cm
Weight 394 g
Price ca. €10

Speedlink Bedrock is a low-cost rubber dome keyboard from Speedlink. The model is advertised as "splash proof" on its box. The layout is derived from ISO, but the upper navigation cluster is arranged as 2×3 instead of 3×2 to make the keyboard one column narrower. The arrow keys start one key to the left, so the right Windows key has been removed to make space, and the function keys are likewise more tightly spaced, with F12 appearing above the left side of backspace instead of over the right side. The spacing between key clusters is tightened in general.

The keyboard uses discrete rubber domes instead of dome sheets.



German ISO-derived layout in black. There is no visible dating information. The controller PCB is marked simply "K01-SX83095".

External links