Talk:Cherry MX White

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> Modern: 80cN, white stem, black-slider - 2007-2012+?

What means black-slider?

Same as black but color is white?

--002 11:48, 14 April 2012 (CEST) Wouldn't that refer to the second part of the switch as illustrated in the animated gif here?

--Findecanor 20:38 2016-05-31 (CET) A lot of the info is from a forum post that I think was made by Sixty, but a reference to that post is missing.

It's this one: — it still doesn't appear to explain where the dates came from, and it contradicts the assertion that MX switches started out free of pigment (proved untrue by snuci's 1984 MX Black keyboard). Collectively, the Cherry enthusiasts have gathered next to no facts at all, so the page remains a matter of speculation. Vintage white should probably become "MX Click Clear" and "MX Heavy Click Clear", as nothing more than correctly-categorised redirects to the replacement variants of blue and white (to allow inbound links from keyboard pages), but I don't personally have any desire to fix this page.