Topre Realforce CS NEO

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Topre Realforce CS NEO
Topre Realforce CS NEO - Front.JPG
Part number ND01N0
Branding Topre, Realforce
Manufacturer Topre
Layouts 89-key Japanese
Keyswitches Topre switches
Interface PS/2
Weight 1166g
Years of production ~2005


The Topre Realforce CS NEO is a partially debranded Topre Realforce 89 made specifically for 'Counter-Strike NEO', NAMCO's Japanese arcade adaption of the popular First Person Shooter, Counter-Strike.


The CS NEO keyboard is essentially a black version of the Topre Realforce 89 (Model ND0100) with special keycaps. Like the standard Realforce 89, the CS NEO has variable key weighting, dye sublimated keycaps, and interfaces via PS/2.

The keycaps on the CS NEO keyboard are probably its most interesting feature. In addition to the standard functions found on the Realforce 89, the CS NEO also has pictures on the keycaps corresponding with commands used in Counter-Strike NEO, for example; the Control (Ctrl) key has an image of the player crouching to indicate that the user must press Ctrl to crouch in the game. Some keys have been moved and/or had their original function replaced completely, the details of which can be found below.

Layout differences

Realforce 89 CS NEO
Print Screen / SysRq F13
Scroll Lock F14
Pause / Break F15
Home Print Screen
End Logout
Katakana / Hiragana Yes
Alt Kana
Ctrl No

CS NEO specific keys

Key Function
F1 Buy protective equipment shortcut
F2-F12 Buy weapon shortcuts
F13-F15 Buy grenade shortcuts
¥ Sends GJ (Good Job) message and $100 game money to nominated player
Tab Displays scoresheet
Q Switch to grenade
W Move forward
E Use / Interact
R Reload weapon
Y Chat to all
U Chat to team
Logout Unknown - Assumed logs out account/player
A Strafe left
S Move backwards
D Strafe right
G Drop current weapon
Shift Hold to walk
Z Radio commands menu 1
X Radio commands menu 2
C Radio commands menu 3
B Buy menu (Unmarked)
< Buy primary ammunition
> Buy secondary ammunition
Ctrl Hold to crouch
Space Jump
Yes Unknown - Assumed menu navigation option
No Unknown - Assumed menu navigation option


External links