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Hello, my name is Seirin-Blu, Seirin, or generally, Sei. I am an engineer currently way too interested in mechanical keyboards. I like both new and vintage stuff, but as of late, I have been collecting more vintage stuff than current mechanical keyboards because I can often get them for cheaper and some of the time they're more interesting than newer keyboards.

I live in the Pacific Northwest in the PNW's weirdest city.



Seirin's Anne Pro 2.png

My Anne Pro 2 60% with Gateron Reds and Sentraq pad printed PBT keycaps. Not super happy that I purchased this but it was my first mechanical keyboard.

Seirin's Keychron K12.png

My keychron K12 60% with Gateron Blacks and some random red keycaps off of Amazon. Slightly better purchase than the Anne Pro 2 but still not great.

Seirin's Doodboard Duckboard and Owl.png

My Doodboard Duckboard (top) and Owl (bottom). In the same order, these were my first two builds.

Seirin's Minisub Vintage Style.png

My second, but more Loved Rainkeebs Minisub

Seirin's Minisub.png

My first Rainkeebs Minisub

Seirin's Minicom IV.png

My Minicom IV

Seirin's Blockboy AC980mini.png

My Blockboy AC980mini. A cheap FRL 1800. Actually pretty nice for the price. Doesn't have a pull down resistor on the CC pins of the USB C port tho.


Seirin's AEKII.png

My Apple Extended Keyboard II. I actually have two of these but the other is in pieces currently and I'm unsure if I'll put it back together or just use it for parts since part of the case is cracked.

Seirin's PC Portable III Keyboard.png

My Pacific Portable PC III Keyboard. I don't have the computer that goes along with this keyboard unfortunately, but the layout is really funky and I love it. One of my few gripes with this keyboard is that the cable is incredibly short, but that makes sense as it was supposed to go with a portable lunchbox-style PC.

Seirin’s ZKB-2.png

My Zenith ZKB-2. This one has SKCL Green Alps. This keyboard also has a beeper as well as a metal back. Switches are a little bit scratchy but not too bad.

Seirin's Acer 6311-tw.png

My Acer 6311-TW. This is a strange keyboard. It's alps mount but uses a very weird click mechanism and is a membrane keyboard.

Seirin's AEK1800.png

My AEK1800. This is an amalgamation of several keyboards. The keycaps and capslock switch of an Apple Extended Keyboard II, some White Alps from a yellowed and cracked Zenith board. The case of a Cherry G80-1800, and the PCB and plate of a TKC1800.

Buckling Spring

Seirin's M122.png

My IBM 122-key terminal keyboard. Part Number 1395660. It has been USB C converted through the use of an Elite C/Pro micro and programmed with Soarer's Converter.

Seirin's Model F AT.png

My IBM Model F AT. This one was a little bit of a pain to USB C mod, but I eventually figured it out. I also ANSI modded it.

Seirin's Model M.png

My regular IBM Model M. Part Number ######. This was one of the first few vintage keyboards I got.

Seirin's SSK.png

My IBM SSK. Part Number ######. This is a DisplayWrite variant. When I initially got it, it was missing the F1 one key. Luckily a user on eBay was selling displaywrite SSK caps. It did take a month for the cap to get here though.


Seirin's Focus FK6000.png

One of my stranger keyboards. This Focus FK6000 has Futaba MA Clicky Switches, but it seems like most of them have alps or alps clone switches.

Seirin’s Cardinal CP600.png

My Cardinal CP600. This board is also rather strange. The switches are semi discrete but are just a piece of plastic with a contact on the end that contacts the PCB. Sort of a combination of a rubber dome and capacitive switch.

Seirin's SI Board.png

My RT8756C+. Clicky Space Invaders are nice.