I completely forgot about here, until I stumbled across the Model F again and thought "I so much want, if it was only TKL"
Bjerrk wrote: 28 Jun 2022, 14:42
I'll actually have to disagree there! Perhaps I'm in the minority, but I actually think that a sturdy plastic chassis, such as the Model M or Model F XT has (top part at least) is much preferable. Much better sound - much deeper and more pleasant. And certainly nicer to the touch - neutral instead of cold (heat-conductive).
I own a New Model F77 (metal) as well as the plastic-framed, lightweight Model F that came with the 5155 portable PC. The 5155 Model F has a much nicer sound and can be used on your lap without feeling cold or overly heavy. A plastic Model F is a great keyboard, as it turns out.
And on top of that, something like the PVC case of a Model M is sturdy as hell. A little bit of flexibility is a strength, not a weakness
Just my opinion again, plastic would not be a
deal breaker for me like layout is (I did buy the Mini M didn't I?). There are lots of plastics that do look premium, but in the case of the Mini M
that plastic is simply cheap, feels bad, and looks bad. I'm sure it could have been done better (as I feel some of the $20 Amazon keyboards were molded better), but at that price point, I'm not
really complaining. It's about the keys after all, which are excellent.
Though I disagree with your 2nd part, I love how metal is cool to the touch and I definitely prefer it. It gives things this "industrial" look and feel that I just like so much more.
depletedvespene wrote: 12 Jul 2022, 16:24
Excited to see this coming along! (don't forget ISO support, though) Also, I can't wait to hear this with the solenoid on.
With that said, I'll be
that guy and mention that this posterior section:
Strikes me as gratuituous, and would drive up the cost/price (plus footprint) for no real good reason. I understand the desire to evoke the
beamsprings of yore, but a functional case would be better, and the desired looks would be better evoked with the proper case color (something I have no doubt Ellipse can pull off, as we've seen with the Model F repros) and a good choice of MT3 keycaps. IMNAAHO.
I somewhat agree here. I do like the overall shape/design and I do like the "ledge" on some of the older boards (I do sometimes put things there), but this does look a little excessive IMO. I feel like maybe reducing it to half of it's current depth would be "best". To me the biggest concern here would be "footprint" - I understand that none of these boards are exactly "compact" (or should be), but I think reality is simply the larger the dimensions the less places/setups it will fit nicely into. It just feels like "a bit more than is needed" to me. Even in my setup, that might force me to push my monitor back a little more than I'm used to (not that that is a big deal).
Ellipse wrote: 22 Aug 2022, 04:18
Nope there will be no plastic cases. I'm hoping the beam modules will be interchangeable but I have not yet received the new beam case sample to confirm this. All the cases will be powdercoated aluminum or steel (sorry no more extra heavy zinc!).
Steel please
Actually I have no idea what either would do to the
sound of the thing which is probably an important consideration. I just know from working on a lot of large metal pro audio thing(s) that aluminum always has to be much thicker while still flexing a lot more and just doesn't sound/feel as nice overall, but I guess a keyboard is a little different from an enclosure. Just my opinion though! I'd be happy with either.
Overall I like the way things are coming along!