Remapping left spacebar (to backspace) on a split keyboard


22 Apr 2011, 20:42

I have a Kinesis Freestyle. I remapped capslock to spacebar, but it would be better to remap the left spacebar te capslock, and use the right spacebar for space.
But these two keys have the same code: 57.
is there any way to remap it, using autohotkey for instance? I have to get a difference between the two keys, somehow.

Help would be greatly appreciated!

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Input Nirvana

23 Apr 2011, 08:06


There is an issue with your goal of re-mapping one of the 2 spacebars, both keys send the same scan code. I've dealt with Kinesis regarding this 1.5 years ago. I believe there is a firmware change/upgrade, you need to email Rick in technical support. I was going to do this, but wound up not changing the firmware. I really like the Freestyle, I've used both PC and Mac.


23 Apr 2011, 11:43

Hi, I sent an e-mail and got a reply from Rick. He's willing to change the firmware, that would do the trick, but then I would have to pay the shipping costs to and from the USA. That would be a bit pricy. I got the Freestyle for 32 euro (including shipping and the Incline set-up) from a guy here in Holland.
So it's a nice offer from Rick but I won't take him up on it.
I'll use autohotkey to remap backspace to shift space on the freestyle, that will work fine.

I presume changing the firmware is not something I can do myself??

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Gasbag Guru

23 Apr 2011, 11:45

If they can change the firmware as easy as that - there is probably a simple EEPROM chip inside. Maybe you can ask them to send you just the IC with the update firmware? Alternatively, this could be done with a pretty easy hardware job, if you know how to solder.

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Input Nirvana

23 Apr 2011, 16:48

In the past, I think they have sent the parr to people in Europe. Maybe they don't choose to do that anymore. Definitely ask.

Another idea is to have someone in the US get the firmware change in a Freestyle and ship to you. Them sell the Freestyle you have.

Just thinking out loud.

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Wild Duck

23 Apr 2011, 17:40

Buy a Model M15 and get it over with.

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Input Nirvana

23 Apr 2011, 18:04

webwit wrote:Buy a Model M15 and get it over with.
There are lots of ways to skin Schrodingers cat :)


23 Apr 2011, 22:33

Both the M15 and Schrodinger's cat are a bit out of my league... but thanks for your comments!
in the meantime still happy with Shift spacebar for backspace. I'll ask Rick at Kinesis what he can do.

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