Got my SMK-88

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26 Apr 2011, 12:57

Finally got my SMK-88 which I purchased from ElbowGlue from Geekhack. Bit of bother with the post office being shut over the easter weekend and yesterday so only got my hands on it this morning. The layout is strange to me being used to the full size Matias Tactile Pro 3 and I keep hitting the volume down button instead of capslock. But it's a joy to be back typing on MX Blues. I will of course do a review in a week or two after I've had a decent amount of time to get accustomed to it.


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Gasbag Guru

26 Apr 2011, 13:10

Layout looks okay. Its a very nice and clean look at least. Only thing that would prolly get me is the small right shift key and the cursor keys so close to it..

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26 Apr 2011, 13:20

sixty wrote:Layout looks okay. Its a very nice and clean look at least. Only thing that would prolly get me is the small right shift key and the cursor keys so close to it..
So far the only problem I'm having is the F12 seems to stick and doesn't register when you press it a particular way. If I depress it to the actuation point, it registers the keystroke, but pressing it a particular way until it bottoms out, I can get it to stick in the depressed position without the stroke being registered. And I can do it over and over again. Thankfully, it isn't a particularly important or commonly used key. Any ideas as to what might be causing it to stick and how I'd

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Gasbag Guru

26 Apr 2011, 13:22

Try to take off the keycap and press down the stem. Then spray some compressed air into the switch itself (while the stem is pressed down). This usually fixes any dust related problems. If that doesn't do the trick, you will most likely have to hope that it "breaks in" or replace it with a new switch.

This is a problem with most of the new Cherry MX switches. The Germans really started slacking on their quality control.

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26 Apr 2011, 13:28

Unfortunately for the moment I'm out of compressed air, so I'll get some ordered. I'm not to worried about it anyway, all it does is bring the dashboard up on screen. But it's always the way that when you know it's there it'll eat away at you.

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