the state of the LCD tech

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Daniel Beardsmore

16 Aug 2013, 22:13

Thanks Sir Richard, I.jpg
Thanks Sir Richard, I.jpg (34.15 KiB) Viewed 1096 times
Thanks Sir Richard, II.jpg
Thanks Sir Richard, II.jpg (18.61 KiB) Viewed 1096 times
Modification made almost immediately to my Virgin Super Hub.

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19 Aug 2013, 02:04

Ah yes. Those eye-scorching blue LEDs are abominable. Since I buy most of my equipment second-hand and out of warranty, I swap them immediately for a more appropriate color like red or orange. Frankly, what was wrong with those tried-and-true colors? I mean, blue LEDs had novelty value at one time, but now?

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Daniel Beardsmore

19 Aug 2013, 02:17

Nothing wrong with blue. My LG L2000CP monitor has a cyan power LED that's toned down so that it doesn't dazzle (it's a bicolour cyan/orange LED). It's pretty cool, but for fun, I finally enabled the setting that disables the power LED when the screen is on.

It just takes a bit of care to do things properly. (Even my cheap LG TN display has a blue LED that doesn't dazzle.)

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