Cherry MX and Matias switches

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31 Aug 2013, 12:36

terran5994 wrote:Hey 7bit is it possible to change my plate mounted clears to pcb mounted clears. Since they are the same price. Thanks :)
Sorry, but they are not the same price anymore.

You can be glad I did not yet pack or ship yours.


31 Aug 2013, 17:08

Aren't both the switches $0.65 each?


31 Aug 2013, 18:02

So about how long does it take from paypal transfer to ship. Just curious if there is a weekly shipping date or some sort of schedule that the switches are shipped on.

Thank you for your time,


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31 Aug 2013, 18:26

terran5994 wrote:Aren't both the switches $0.65 each?
Yes, but it was 0.54 EUR when you preordered.

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31 Aug 2013, 18:28

Deprecated wrote:So about how long does it take from paypal transfer to ship. Just curious if there is a weekly shipping date or some sort of schedule that the switches are shipped on.

Thank you for your time,

Given that you paid, I first have to wait for Acanthophis to update the list of what had been paid by whom.
You are in luck, the switches are in stock, so I only have to pack, put an address sticker on it and bring it to the post office.

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31 Aug 2013, 21:23

Did my order ship?

order #0365

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31 Aug 2013, 23:49

Payment/"shipping" update

Payments from Zifle, Deprecated, argyakrivos, and sudowork have been received and marked as shipped for Paypal purposes (to keep them from locking up the PP account). Invoices may or may not reflect the payments yet. Keep checking this thread for the actual ship date(s), or spam this thread/7bit via PM the message "WHERE ARE MY SWITCHES, DID YOU SEND THEM YET." This only includes payments to me via Paypal. Note that the address on your Paypal notifications/notes are not necessarily the addresses 7bit will ship your switches to, he ships to the address on your invoice.


01 Sep 2013, 00:27

Acanthophis wrote:Payment/"shipping" update

Payments from Zifle, Deprecated, argyakrivos, and sudowork have been received and marked as shipped for Paypal purposes (to keep them from locking up the PP account). Invoices may or may not reflect the payments yet. Keep checking this thread for the actual ship date(s), or spam this thread/7bit via PM the message "WHERE ARE MY SWITCHES, DID YOU SEND THEM YET." This only includes payments to me via Paypal. Note that the address on your Paypal notifications/notes are not necessarily the addresses 7bit will ship your switches to, he ships to the address on your invoice.
Thank you very much :)

When shall I expect my switches 7bit? Invoice #0389.


01 Sep 2013, 02:35

Now am I able to say the message =p

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01 Sep 2013, 07:45

#0368 Ordered:  
Aug 1
Aug 21
Aug 31
Berlin, Germany  to  Texas
Thank You 7bit !!
IMG_6566.jpg (417.4 KiB) Viewed 5101 times


01 Sep 2013, 15:41

Any new updates 7bit? :)

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01 Sep 2013, 15:47

will ship tomorrow.

I will post a list later ...


02 Sep 2013, 10:35

Hi! 20 year old clicky keyboard has died, and I'm thinking of buying a Gigabyte Aivia Osmium keyboard to replace it (a firend has one and I like it). It is mechanical, but not clicky.

So... I was thinkig of getting one and replacing the switches with Greens (which apparently is closest to the old M series). Anyway, that particular keyboard is backlit though, and I think the LED lighting won't interfere with switch replacement. Before I buy the keyboard then break my heart, I was wondering if you knew if the LEDs for backlit keyboards get in the way of switch replacement? Thanks!

(Just wondering if you have this know-how!)

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02 Sep 2013, 10:40

You can insert the LEDs from your keyboard into the new switches. They are all the same.

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02 Sep 2013, 10:48

Fodorfolde: if your old keyboard was an IBM Model M, you could always buy its modern descendant:

It will even be compatible with your old caps, if you prefer them.

As for a new Cherry switch keyboard, swapping switches in and out is a lot of work with a soldering iron. It's even more work if you have to shuffle LEDs too. Those clip into the switches from above, and solder separately from below. So they must be taken off and put back on again too. Easily twice the work.

I'd look at a Cherry MX based keyboard with blues if I were you. Much more available than the occasional one with greens, and although I love both green and blue switches, neither of them is really similar to buckling spring, which I love more!

Try before you buy. And especially before you mod.

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02 Sep 2013, 11:00

What diffrence Matias tacticle and mx tactile brown/clear?
i think alps quite better

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02 Sep 2013, 11:14

BimboBB wrote:any info on #0110?

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02 Sep 2013, 11:24

ماء wrote:@7bit:
What diffrence Matias tacticle and mx tactile brown/clear?
i think alps quite better
Different caps. Different plate. Different GB!

Matias tactile feels in between brown and clear, but also like neither of them. Which one is "best" is all down to personal opinion.

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02 Sep 2013, 11:55

Muirium wrote: Different caps. Different plate. Different GB!

Matias tactile feels in between brown and clear, but also like neither of them. Which one is "best" is all down to personal opinion.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

For my opinion I've never tried them all :? while waiting my orders to arrived,i ask it!
after my order arrived :P I will give my opinion :geek: but i just order MX,actually. :lol:

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02 Sep 2013, 11:59

Muirium wrote:Fodorfolde: if your old keyboard was an IBM Model M, you could always buy its modern descendant:
U crazy!!?!??

He should buy my crappy MX switches and take the pain of soldering afterwards instead of buying a superior Model M!
BimboBB wrote:
BimboBB wrote:any info on #0110?
Ships this week.

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02 Sep 2013, 12:02

Your switches are wonderful 7bit. I just don't recommend a heavy soldering project as the first solution…

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02 Sep 2013, 12:07

ماء wrote:@7bit:
What diffrence Matias tacticle and mx tactile brown/clear?
i think alps quite better
To be honnest, I know real Alps which are tactile and much smoother than the Matias switches.

Actuation force is between browns and clears, BTW and they feel still smoother than both Cherries.

The clicky variant is better than the tactile version and also better than blues, whites and greens.

They have a nicer click than even greens and are between blues and greens in actuation force.

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02 Sep 2013, 12:32

It's all subjective. I've tried clicky Matias. I like it, but not as much as blues or greens. I love the high pitched Cherry click. And there are so many more caps for MX, too.

But they are all fine switches. Different enough that it's down to you which you like.

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02 Sep 2013, 14:29

7bit wrote: Actuation force is between browns and clears, BTW and they feel still smoother than both Cherries.

The clicky variant is better than the tactile version and also better than blues, whites and greens.

They have a nicer click than even greens and are between blues and greens in actuation force.
1.Whether spring cherry fit for alps?
2.What 7bit selling alps real,besides matias?

Thanks again sir

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02 Sep 2013, 16:19

1: I never tried. In theory, they should fit.
2: I only have Matias switches for sale.

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02 Sep 2013, 17:27

These will ship tomorrow:

These switches are in stock:

Code: Select all

MXBROWN/NW   |     496| 0.65|EUR|MX1A-G1NW
MXBROWNP     |in stock| 0.54|EUR|MX1A-G1NN (Preorder price)
MXCLEAR      |in stock| 0.65|EUR|MX1A-C1NN
MXCLEAR/NW   |in stock| 0.65|EUR|MX1A-C1NW
MXGREEN      |in stock| 0.65|EUR|MX1A-F1NN
MXGREY       |     398| 0.65|EUR|MX1A-D1NN
MXGREYP/NW   |in stock| 0.54|EUR|MX1A-D1NW (Preorder price)
MXWHITEP     |in stock| 0.54|EUR|MX1A-A1NN (Preorder price)

These are not in stock but can be pre-ordered:

Code: Select all

MXBLACK      |      96| 0.65|EUR|MX1A-11NN (10/2013)
MXBLACK/NW   |     106| 0.65|EUR|MX1A-11NW (10/2013)
MXBLUEP      |preorder| 0.54|EUR|MX1A-E1NN (Preorder 10/2013)
MXBLUEP/NW   |preorder| 0.54|EUR|MX1A-E1NW (Preorder 10/2013)
MXDARKGREY   |      46| 0.65|EUR|MX1A-21NN (10/2013)
MXDARKGREY/NW|     119| 0.65|EUR|MX1A-21NW (10/2013)
MXGREENP/NW  |preorder| 0.54|EUR|MX1A-F1NW (Preorder 10/2013)
MXREDP       |preorder| 0.54|EUR|MX1A-L1NN (Preorder 09/2013)
MXREDP/NW    |preorder| 0.54|EUR|MX1A-L1NW (Preorder 10/2013)
MXWHITEP/NW  |preorder| 0.54|EUR|MX1A-A1NW (Preorder 10/2013)

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02 Sep 2013, 17:29

7bit wrote:There will ship tomorrow:
Damn! :cry:

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02 Sep 2013, 17:47

akuji13 wrote:
7bit wrote:There will ship tomorrow:
Damn! :cry:
All it requires to get onto that list is to submit your address including village.

Currently it is very similar to this:

BMW Motorsport GmbH
Ferdinand Porsche
Daimlerstrasse 1



02 Sep 2013, 17:50

What about 0355? I'm pretty sure you have my address, it's on the invoice email.

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02 Sep 2013, 17:52

7bit wrote:
akuji13 wrote:
7bit wrote:There will ship tomorrow:
Damn! :cry:
All it requires to get onto that list is to submit your address including village.

Currently it is very similar to this:

BMW Motorsport GmbH
Ferdinand Porsche
Daimlerstrasse 1

I thought this was finished with the pm. :shock:

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