Use this category to name the worst keyboard or keyboard/input device related experience in 2013. Anything goes. You have to give a short motivation for each suggestion. This category is named after the infamous Summer of Ping. You cannot nominate yourself.
Current suggestions (this list is frequently updated):
- Talons Keyboard
- 7bit self nomination
- "GH-moderation strikes again!" event
- "Deskthority - a small moan" topic at geekhack
- Shoe pictures with keyboards at reddit
- tinlong self nomination
- PayPal for its persistence to lock account with no good reason
- teraset.net/Ducky Nordic websites
- Vortex vaporware
- GMK group buys (despite some great effort by enthousiasts)
- Expensive blank keycap sets
- eBay sellers for being too expensive and for lousy shipping
- Cherry for their new MX keyboard's incompatible switch positions & random availability of MX switches
- TheProfosist for his failed Phantom groupbuy