matt3o wrote:I'm not a huge fan of harlequin keysets but when it comes to star wars...
Those are actually the colours of
Red squadron. X-wings from other squadrons had other colours, but.. we almost only ever see Red Squadron, or the successor: Rogue Squadron, so...
Specifically, that is Red 5's (Luke Skywalker's) X-wing, as indicated by the five small red rectangles on the wings.
In the original movie each pilot's model had a different number of rectangles indicating their number in the squadron, but when the effects were remade in CGI for the Special Edition, the animators were lazy and used the same textures for them all.
The "Rebel bird" symbol was only found on some pilot helmets, never on X-wings, and some X-wing pilots never wore that symbol. It has become the Rebel symbol afterwards. Most pilot helmets in Star Wars (Ep4) and The Empire strikes Back (Ep5) were plain "generic" helmets with blue birds. Only a few were more elaborately painted, like Luke's, Biggs' and Wedge's. In Return of the Jedi, there were also generic helmets with red birds.
A few years ago I scoured Star Wars images for
any keyboards. There aren't any, really. There is something that looks vaguely like a large wide keyboard at the edge of a production image of the cargo hold of the Millenium Falcon in Star Wars, but I can't tell for certain. Some Imperial Officers may use a keypad. There are lots of panels, buttons and levers all over Star Wars, but most of them lack any symbols whatsoever. The Targeting Computer inside the X-wing has a few symbols next to the main panel. The Tractor Beam control in Star Wars had legends in English/latin letters, that were changed to Aurebesh for the DVD release. The Aurebesh letters originate from the Imperial computer screens in Return of the Jedi, but the mapping to Latin letters was done afterwards and the letters on the screens only interpret as jibberish - or not at all, because a couple of the characters were never mapped. The Aurebesh writing in the prequel-trilogy are proper words, though.