Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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dye hard

15 Jan 2014, 23:21

last minute addition, do I have to wait to receive an updated invoice or can I pay first the old one and after the rest?

EDIT: I have just received the new invoice :)
Last edited by maxmalkav on 15 Jan 2014, 23:31, edited 1 time in total.

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15 Jan 2014, 23:29

Pay as often as you like, but don't pay amounts less than $25.

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Mad Dasher

16 Jan 2014, 00:20

That percentage revision gave me quite a scare!

Shame about the tooling, but with the new deadline could we raise time and money for grey language packs? :lol:
7bit wrote:Pay as often as you like, but don't pay amounts less than $25.
To pay, add more keys! ;)

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16 Jan 2014, 11:20

------> I need someone to collect <------
------> PayPal money in USD! <------


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16 Jan 2014, 18:04

Kits of the day:

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16 Jan 2014, 18:32

Kits of the day because you're reducing the price or thinking of getting rid of them? I already ordered the µ key of course…

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16 Jan 2014, 18:36

No, these are randomly selected. I will post 6 kits per day and hope some more people will order these.

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16 Jan 2014, 18:40

Post pictures of beam springs so that people buy the graphite kit and grey numpad:

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16 Jan 2014, 21:53

Some prices went down:

Code: Select all

old HONEY/ASTQUOTE150     |  1|  5 USD|ast quote (row 2; white)
new HONEY/ASTQUOTE150     |  1|  4 USD|ast quote (row 2; white)

old HONEY/COMMA/GREY      |  1|  6 USD|numpad comma (row 3; grey)
new HONEY/COMMA/GREY      |  1|  4 USD|numpad comma (row 3; grey)

old HONEY/CURSORS/RED     | 21| 30 USD|Cursors red kit
new HONEY/CURSORS/RED     | 21| 29 USD|Cursors red kit

old HONEY/DT/BLACK        |  2|  3 USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; black)
new HONEY/DT/BLACK        |  2|  2 USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; black)

old HONEY/ERGOKEY/R1      |  2|  3 USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 1; red)
new HONEY/ERGOKEY/R1      |  2|  2 USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 1; red)

old HONEY/JRET/WHITE      |  1| 12 USD|J-Return key (white) +
new HONEY/JRET/WHITE      |  1|  9 USD|J-Return key (white) +

old HONEY/LOTUS175        |  1|  9 USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
new HONEY/LOTUS175        |  1|  7 USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)

old HONEY/LOTUS175S/BLACK |  1| 18 USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
new HONEY/LOTUS175S/BLACK |  1|  9 USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)

old HONEY/LOTUS175S/RED   |  1|  9 USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
new HONEY/LOTUS175S/RED   |  1|  7 USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)

old HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE  | 52|129 USD|Modifier white kit +
new HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE  | 52| 99 USD|Modifier white kit +

old HONEY/NUMNUM/RED      | 14| 18 USD|Numpad number keys red
new HONEY/NUMNUM/RED      | 14| 14 USD|Numpad number keys red

old HONEY/NUMOP/WHITE     | 10| 19 USD|Numpad operator keys white +
new HONEY/NUMOP/WHITE     | 10| 14 USD|Numpad operator keys white +

old HONEY/SIXTY125BASE    | 15| 19 USD|60 percent 125 base kit
new HONEY/SIXTY125BASE    | 16| 19 USD|60 percent 125 base kit

old HONEY/SIXTY125BASE/WHITE|15|39 USD|60 percent 125 base kit +
new HONEY/SIXTY125BASE/WHITE|15|29 USD|60 percent 125 base kit +

old HONEY/TENKISOBASE/WHITE|76|139 USD|Tenkeyless ISO base kit +
new HONEY/TENKISOBASE/WHITE|76| 99 USD|Tenkeyless ISO base kit +

old HONEY/TENKLESS/WHITE  |131|169 USD|Tenkeyless white kit +
new HONEY/TENKLESS/WHITE  |131|149 USD|Tenkeyless white kit +

old HONEY/TKL/BASE/WHITE  | 39| 59 USD|TKL base white kit +
new HONEY/TKL/BASE/WHITE  | 39| 49 USD|TKL base white kit +

old HONEY/TKL/WHITE       | 86| 89 USD|TKL white kit +
new HONEY/TKL/WHITE       | 86| 89 USD|TKL white kit +

old HONEY/TKLISOBASE/WHITE| 39| 59 USD|TKL ISO base white kit +
new HONEY/TKLISOBASE/WHITE| 39| 49 USD|TKL ISO base white kit +


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16 Jan 2014, 21:55

That's it white mods, down you come to meet me!

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16 Jan 2014, 22:20

now that we have time, any chance to see fun125/white and windows125/white? no more money to get the full kit


16 Jan 2014, 22:43

So now we have time to try for the HONEY/ERGOBASE/WHITE?


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16 Jan 2014, 22:52

Ichigo87 wrote:now that we have time, any chance to see fun125/white and windows125/white? no more money to get the full kit
Now available ...


16 Jan 2014, 23:31

By the way, I just saw an old threat of you on GeekHack offering to replace the non-double shot ABS keycaps with PBT, guess you aren't doing that now?

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17 Jan 2014, 00:11

:lol: <---- 7bit when he reads the post above this.

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17 Jan 2014, 00:59

tER299 wrote:By the way, I just saw an old threat of you on GeekHack offering to replace the non-double shot ABS keycaps with PBT, guess you aren't doing that now?
7bit hates PBT :)

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17 Jan 2014, 08:09


Who the hell CLEARALL-ed?


17 Jan 2014, 09:14

I'm looking to buy a numpad kit for my Filco numpad. I'm a bit confused due to the top row on that pad, including the = key. What profile keys would make sense there?

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17 Jan 2014, 09:36

hey where's the gold kit?

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17 Jan 2014, 11:29

Belfong wrote:50%???

Who the hell CLEARALL-ed?
Nobody. I've lowered the prices, so the percentage went down, because the costs stay the same.
stoic-lemon wrote:I'm looking to buy a numpad kit for my Filco numpad. I'm a bit confused due to the top row on that pad, including the = key. What profile keys would make sense there?
Can't answer that question. One way would be extenders to lift up the keys above row 1.

Such extenders don't yet exist, but could be 3d-printed in a not so far future ...


17 Jan 2014, 12:04

Hi 7bit, I'm sorry if this has been asked, I tried searching the thread, but it's a bit hard to navigate the 103 pages so far.

Is SPH/SHIFT225 meant to fix the skinny shift key from the Round4 Sphericals?

And then HONEY/TENKLESS will have a 2.25 shift key right?

I'm just wondering, why was the Round4 Spherical shift key less wide anyhow?

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17 Jan 2014, 12:08

Answers: yes, yes, and because SP didn't have the mold to make the right size yet. They do now. Too small is better than too big!
matt3o wrote:hey where's the gold kit?
I presume you mean "show me the HONEY".

7bit: did you really reduce prices that much? I assumed you were showing the MOQ target for white mods now instead. How do I recalculate my order?

Hears the distant sound of 7bit typing: Simple. Just buy that TENKLESS/WHITE you want already :roll:

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17 Jan 2014, 12:42

Just buy that TENKLESS/WHITE you want already :roll:

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17 Jan 2014, 12:50

This is the version of the Jedi mind trick that Obi Wan would do when he was drunk. "These are the droids you are looking for. Oh, wait, arse!"


17 Jan 2014, 12:55

Can we still cancel and gt complete refund, as I wasn't expecting production to begin this late.

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17 Jan 2014, 13:00

No, you can't!

Melissa told me they can start production within a few weeks. I assumed they made the tools already, because of that. But then she told me she has to wait for the tools first. The reason is because they don't want to risk to split the production in two parts if they have to wait for the tools longer than expected.

BTW, if you get a refund at all, it will be without any PayPal fees, because the money is on the way to SP, so we can't send your payment back for free.


17 Jan 2014, 13:41

Okay, I will wait then. :D


17 Jan 2014, 13:45

7bit wrote: Nobody. I've lowered the prices, so the percentage went down, because the costs stay the same.
So if we've already paid up, we'll get a new invoice with credit to buy more, right? :?

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17 Jan 2014, 16:40

Yes, please buy more!

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17 Jan 2014, 19:49

7bit wrote: ------> I need someone to collect <------
------> PayPal money in USD! <------

Kits of the day:
price: $3

price: $11

price: $4

price: $19

price: $3

price: $29


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