The Cherry Switch Try Gaming PCB's

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02 Jun 2011, 17:03

i am a great fan of the idea from Mr. Interface - The SinkLists

here in the Forum you find his thread for "The Switch Try Bag"

I would also like to support the idea and ask Mr. Intferace about his opinion.
He is fine with my small contribution.

I have 8 tiny boards with the following switches:
Cherry MX Black
Cherry MX Clear
Cherry MX Brown
Cherry MX Blue
Cherry MX Ghetto Reds (Blacks with the spring of Browns/Blues)
Cherry MX Red (from Mr. Interface)
Cherry MX Ergo Clears (Clears with the spring of Browns/Blues)
Cherry MX Green (from Ascaii)

you can see 5 of 8:
Gaming Tryboards.jpg
Gaming Tryboards.jpg (94.74 KiB) Viewed 136303 times
Every little board contains 4 switches so you could check the feeling in "gaming style".
The keys are not all WASD but the hight and shape is identical.

For the first run i would like to take only people in germany.
Perhaps the next Round would be all Europe.

all the thanks and credit due Mr. Interface
dont forget to check out his site for Sinklists, Blog, Simulators, Reviews, Modding Corner

Shipping HowTo
Look in the list which Member is next. Contact him for the Address due PM and EMAIL.
You could and should do this before you get the PCB's!
If the next member does not respond within 2 days, go to the next.
Just post in the thread what you do, so the others know what is going on.
Please send out the packet within the next 2 days.
Consider the others wait impatiently.
Post the status for sending / receiving like this:
PCB's received dd/mm/yyyy
PCB's sent dd/mm/yyyy

List of " The Cherry Switch Try Gaming PCB's":

German 1st Round closed:
zeeko - rdy - shipping 06/06
kbdfr - rdy
Haes - rdy - shipping 14/06
CeeSA - rdy - shipped 15/06
-RF- rdy
usopia - rdy
fireglow - rdy
deFlash - rdy
Cherryf - rdy - shipped 06/07
Ascaii - rdy
Haes - rdy - will ship 11/07
- Round closed -
Europe 2nd Round (this round is closed):
Wipster (UK)
TheDuke (Germany)
artee (Czech Republic)
BMASTER (Switzerland)
Bach0 (UK)
Tohveli (Finland)
icecream4dinner (Germany) PCB's received 06/09/2011 sent 08/09/2011
Sir Paladin (Germany) PCB's received 09/09/2011 sent 12/09/2011
Gunny (France) PCB's received 17/09/2011 sent 19/09/2011
swaf (Belgium) PCB's received 23/09/2011 sent 26/09/2011
ano302 (Germany) PCB's received 01/10/2011 sent 04/10/2011
Seac (Germany)PCB's received 08/10/2011 sent ??/10/2011
fossala (UK) PCB's received 14/10/2011 sent 14/10/2011
Necrofridge (Germany) PCB's received 20/10/2011 sent 25/10/2011
kemerd (France) PCB's received 29/10/2011 sent 08/11/2011
SBI (Switzerland) PCB's received 10/11/2011 sent 16/11/2011
blackshuck13 (UK) PCB's received ??/11/2011 sent 30/11/2011
Spharx (Germany) PCB's received 07/12/2011 sent 09/12/2011
fsykop (Belgium)
kekekeroro (France)
zulios PCB's sent 28/12/2011(France)
RC-1140 (Germany) PCB's received 06/01/2012 sent 07/01/2012
haiiyaa (Denmark) PCB's received ?? sent 21/01/2012
cable (Sweden) PCB's received 26/01/2012 sent 30/01/2012
detto87 (Germany) PCB's received 05/02/2012 sent 06/02/2012
AtL (France) PCB's received 14/02/2012 sent 16/02/2012
Arnianor (Switzerland)not answer AtL - message from 07/02/2012
Twisted (Sweden) not answer AtL
SweetDeath (Germany)
Telstar (Italy) received 13/03, sent 15/03
luke16 (Germany) received 23/03/2012
cowabunga (Germany) PCB's received 31/03/2012 PCB's sent 11/04/2012
wtzOlt (Ireland) not answer cowabunga
steinimbrett (Germany) cowabunga
amasokin (France) sent 24/04/2012
mhinsch (UK) received 01/05/2012 sent 03/05/2012
DalaiLameR (Germany) received & sent 11/05/2012
GeorgeStorm (UK) PCB's received ??/??/2012 PCB's sent 08/06/2012
pepoteES (Spain/France) not answer GeorgeStorm
Triggaaar (UK) received 11/06/2012 sent 18/06/2012
dfxdx (UK) received 20/06/2012 sent 25/06/2012
CanuckDE (Germany) not answer dfdx
Icarium (Germany) is out by himself
sil (Germany) received 29/06/2012 sent 02/07/2012
Circlepit (Germany)
juho3 (Finland) received 13/09/2012 sent 14/09/2012
DrIGGI (Austria) PCB's received 19/09/2012 PCB's sent 22/09/2012
SeNte (Spain) PCB's received 04/10/2012 PCB's sent 25/10/2012
Gascogne (Sweden) PCB's received 31/10/2012 PCB's sent 01/11/2012
Recoil3842 (UK) PCBs Received 08/11/2012 will send 09/11/2012
Australian Group (1/5) - because only one guy is left, sry
lex.ikon (Austria)
Arnianor (Switzerland)
hamza_tm (UK) PCB's received 07/12/2012 PCB's sent 18/12/2012
t4ub3 (Germany)not answer hamza_tm
rille (Germany)not answer hamza_tm
totor55 (UK) not answer hamza_tm
triac (Germany) not answer hamza_tm
h3ll0 (Germany) received 11/01/2013 sent ?
bone (Germany)
Mackem (UK) not answer h3llo
imcr (UK)
RawrNasha (UK)
dasde (Denmark)
drmartinsempa (Germany)
CeeSA (Germany)
USA (4/5 wait for 2 answers)
Aufwind (Germany)
hdss (Netherland)
Jmneuv (Germany)
CeeSA (germany)
Break for restructure the process.\
New waiting list:
Winther (Denmark)
Neal (Netherlands)
World 3rd Round Interests (in planning):
(sorting divided into continents)
1 naisanza
2 TheQsanity
3 notsmart
4 geotang
5 deevious
6 OKScottish

South America
Daniel Beaver
ViXoZuDo (Peru)
cactux not longer interested
nightcabbage had the STB from Mr. Interface
002 status unknown
Galaxius status unknown
Last edited by CeeSA on 15 Apr 2013, 09:16, edited 185 times in total.


02 Jun 2011, 17:28


I'd like to test the switches.
Please put me on your list.

That is a nice opportunity to have the different switch types all together.

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The Tiproman

02 Jun 2011, 18:45

Ich bin dabei ;-)

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02 Jun 2011, 19:32

bin dabei (ist auch ein kurzer weg zu mir, da bln) :)

kind regards


02 Jun 2011, 21:37


I would like to try, too.


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Buckler Of Springs

02 Jun 2011, 21:49

Looks like a great idea. It's very hard to get an accurate feel for a switch from a single switch unit that is not mounted properly.

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02 Jun 2011, 23:17

Excellent initiative!

Also good to see you thought about a gaming setup.... :-)

I am also very very curious as to how this one turns out : I learned a lot of lessons since my first sinklist item was sent out ( the most important one being to ask a recipient if the address is still correct! )


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02 Jun 2011, 23:39


for all on the list, plz pm me your address.
Tomorrow i will ship to the first one the list: zeeko

i mixed up the caps for a unique setup. so you could try first and afterwards have a look of your fav ;)

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03 Jun 2011, 11:49

bin auch dabei!
Super Idee, endlich kann man (fast) alle MX-Switches mal antesten.


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03 Jun 2011, 13:31


I would like to test the switches too.

Thanks for this great initiative! =)

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03 Jun 2011, 14:50

list updated!
in the morning the "maxibrief" with the boards its on his way to the first station

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03 Jun 2011, 15:20

do you want to send it to the next in the list or back to you first ?

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03 Jun 2011, 17:40

next in the list

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04 Jun 2011, 02:17

Good idea on making a 4 cluster, gives a lot more practical test.

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Daniel Beaver

04 Jun 2011, 02:22

I would also like to try these. Put me on the list.

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04 Jun 2011, 11:15

list updated

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04 Jun 2011, 12:20

CeeSA : if you like I can send you 4 genuine red switches. That way people can try the difference between the 'getto' and the 'true' red ones.
Just PM me with your address if you would like some.

Also : don't forget to ask the participants for their E-mail. On more than one occasion I needed it because the mails sent via the forum got lost in email-filters. Plus always double check the address before having it sent to the next in line. People tend to 'move' ... :-)



04 Jun 2011, 13:05

Heute um 11Uhr ist das Päckchen bei mir angekommen und ich konnte schon ein wenig testen.
Festgestellt habe ich dass ich nun sehr komisch mit der illuminated schreibe :lol:

Die MXBlue sind echt was besonderes aber ich denke nichts für mich auf Dauer.
Der Illuminated kommen die MX Clear am nächsten, für mich persönlich entscheidet es sich zwischen clear und brown. Bei Clear spürt man den Druckpunkt bei 2mm leichter.

Wenn ich lineare Switches wollte, dann eher die Ghetto red.

I try to translate it to English:

The mail arrived at 11 o'clock. I tested a bit. The mx blue switches are something special but nothing I would use for long.
Mx clear is the most similar to my current logitech illuminated.
On my personal preference I would take mx clear or brown.

If I had to choose a linear switch I'd rather take the ghetto reds.


04 Jun 2011, 13:40


Could you please add me to the list? I'm not in Germany so I'm happy to wait for a while. Perhaps we could group it by country to cut the postage costs for everyone...



04 Jun 2011, 16:18


Can you compare the mx red with the ghetto red? Or are they different in feel?

I really like the ghetto reds (and browns).

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04 Jun 2011, 18:51

hoggy the second round would be europe.
as it seems, we start with your country ;)

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04 Jun 2011, 19:50

zeeko wrote:@Mr.Interface

Can you compare the mx red with the ghetto red? Or are they different in feel?

I really like the ghetto reds (and browns).
For me they are the same :

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06 Jun 2011, 21:59

CeeSA wrote:next in the list
understood, do you give us the address for next one in the list or should we contact by ourself?


06 Jun 2011, 22:13

I'm curios from which keyboard you did take keycaps for the Try boards?

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06 Jun 2011, 23:13

Haes wrote:
CeeSA wrote:next in the list
understood, do you give us the address for next one in the list or should we contact by ourself?
hmm, atm i give the address - have to think about it.
The members could handle it by themselves. should be now disadvantage...

@ zeeko
i am not shure, because i did not remember...
should be Cherry G80 3000 or Raptor K1 German Layout...

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07 Jun 2011, 10:07

CeeSA wrote:hmm, atm i give the address - have to think about it.
The members could handle it by themselves. should be now disadvantage...
k, can't w8 to get my fingers on the ghetto red and clear one :) .

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The Tiproman

07 Jun 2011, 14:12

Just got the switches. Highly professional case (thanks a lot upwards), containing 5 boards with 4 switches each. There’s also a list, stating which switches are on which board, I put it away without looking at it, this will be a blind testing.

First of all, I must say my experience hitherto has been limited to blacks (which I have been using the last 20 years or so), so there will surely be a bias in my evaluation. And as a touch typist writing tons of pages a month, I will surely have other priorities than for example gamers.

I’ll play a bit with the boards and write down my comments to each of them. At the end of it, i will have a look at the list and then write down (and conceal) which switch got which comment.

Let’s go...

My first impression after playing around a bit (again: without knowing which switches are which) is that I do not like the tactile response some of the switches have. The more pronounced it is, the more I dislike them, so I’ll start with those:

One of the boards is a special case: the switches do not only have quite a strong tactile response, they actually audibly click. Horrible! The sound reminds me of a bicycle when freewheeling.
The next one with tactile response does not click at least, but I find it quite hard to activate. I seem to have to push about the same as on the blacks I’m used to, but because of the tactile feeling there is so to say a lot going on at my fingertips. Definitely not my switch.
The third tactile switch board is something I guess I could get used to. The tactile response is less disturbing because pressing the keys down is much easier, but then, I guess it’s too easy for me. I type without resting my wrists, and the mere weight of my fingers pausing on the home row would be enough to press and activate the switches.
The last two boards are easy to differentiate: both have linear switches, on one board they are quite exactly as easy to activate as in the previous one. I think those are the ones I would prefer if I wanted the easiest activation (as I imagine gamers do), but then, I could not rest my fingers on the keys without them to activate.
ghetto reds
The last board: linear response, some resistance against the weight of my fingers but easy activation - they can only be black switches.
blacks :mrgreen:
My conclusion: it’s the first time I tried other Cherry MX switches. I knew from other reviews that there are quite big differences, but I didn’t know they were so clearly felt. Perhaps because I’m just used to them, I find blacks to be the best switches for what I use a keyboard for. I’ll stick to them.

And now the box goes to Haes.

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07 Jun 2011, 15:26

nice description,

i bought a keyboard for each type of switch, a little bit more expensive :-)

I loved the blacks at the begining but as time goes by i begin to love ghetto red and browns. Maybe with time wisdom comes ;-)

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07 Jun 2011, 15:58

yeah, very nice feedback. makes me smile :)

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08 Jun 2011, 02:51

very pleased with you explanation.

thank you, can't w8.

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