Cleaning and lubing MX switches


07 Mar 2014, 00:40

Having extracted a bunch of MX blues from my old keyboard, I decided to clean them out. It's surprising how much fuzz gets inside the switches over the accumulated years. So, based on a quick web search, I tried q-tips and alcohol. Unfortunately the q-tips weren't exactly lint-free, so the switches remained fuzzy (albeit with fresh fuzz).

Then I remembered some watch repair gear I have. Some rodico, a little pointy stick and a 5x loupe worked wonders. If you've not come across rodico, it's like super blu-tack for cleaning with. Highly recommended.

Anyway, as well as clearing away all the built-up gunk from the plastic/metal contact area, I think it'll have taken away any grease or lube that was originally put on it. So, does anyone know if/how much lubrication there is on the plastic/metal contact area of new MX switches, and whether I should be re-lubing them?


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07 Mar 2014, 01:37

Time for an experiment: what's the MX blue to MX white spectrum really like?


07 Mar 2014, 15:38

Hi sgf, i don't think blues are lubed from the factory. You're about to become very aware of the "MX Blue vs MX white" debate.

Basically, lubing MX blues seems to reduce their click somewhat.

MX Whites are a clicky cherry switch but are quiter than Blues. This is because they come with some lube applied from the factory. Now, when buying new MX Whites, the clickiness can vary from switch to switch. This seems to be dependent on the amount of lube from switch to switch. I have only ordered 4 MX White switches in the past. Even in that small sample size there is a noticable difference in clickiness between the four of them.

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07 Mar 2014, 16:57

Actually, there is the tiniest bit of lubricant applied at the factory to the plastic "ramp" area that contacts the metal. You can safely add a very tiny amount of Krytox there without affecting the click or feel of blue/green/white switches.

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07 Mar 2014, 17:12

Wonder what Cherry uses for its own lube. And whether Matias switches are up to something similar from the factory.


07 Mar 2014, 19:18

jdcarpe wrote:Actually, there is the tiniest bit of lubricant applied at the factory to the plastic "ramp" area that contacts the metal. You can safely add a very tiny amount of Krytox there without affecting the click or feel of blue/green/white switches.
ah interesting!


08 Mar 2014, 20:57

Thanks for the info. I certainly don't want to lube anything other than the ramp area, since I'm quite happy with the feel of the blues. If I can avoid lubing the ramps, that's a good thing, since I don't really want the faff. The only reason I'm cleaning the insides out at all is that it seemed a good idea after nearly 20 years.

Given jdcarpe says it's the "tiniest" amount, and it had probably all gone away by now anyway, I think I'll miss it out!

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15 May 2014, 08:19

Muirium wrote:Wonder what Cherry uses for its own lube. And whether Matias switches are up to something similar from the factory.
Does anybody know what kind of lube or rather grease Cherry uses for the MX White switches? Or what could be an alternative?

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