Post your keyboard/keycaps!

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09 May 2014, 17:45

no, $37,095 exactly

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09 May 2014, 17:59

Plenty enough to buy a good ass kicking. No one knew his address?

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09 May 2014, 18:27

I don't want to go OFF TOPIC in this thread but If someone could give a link of the thread I'm interested in reading about this.

Paypal should have his adress and real name I guess.

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09 May 2014, 18:31

But in the GH thread it says he wanted the money as PayPal gift. I don't think there's anything PayPal can do about gifts.
There's no way to get money sent as gift back and unless PayPal thinks his account is somehow suspicious the money is probably gone.

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09 May 2014, 18:39

pretty long here I don't remember the drama started from which pages though :lol:

luckily I didn't jump in this back then, sometimes lacking of money isn't a bad thing :evilgeek:

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09 May 2014, 19:36

guilleguillaume wrote:I don't want to go OFF TOPIC in this thread but If someone could give a link of the thread I'm interested in reading about this.

Paypal should have his adress and real name I guess.
People want to take him to Korean Court :?

He was a pretty cool guy before this all blew up...was really good with information and offered to help me buy all the kustoms I wanted :lol:

He hasn't been on skype in ages...

One thing he did do was offer to help with my CMYW groupbuy and just ditched and helped start the Korean one without even telling me....

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09 May 2014, 20:44

no, $37,095 exactly
well I have had my little groupbuy fiasco in which I didn´t behave all that well, but this is criminal. People will be looking for him. That´s a nice sum of money.

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10 May 2014, 12:17

DrugER / JackAss made some serious mistakes, first the thing with the fake ClickClacks and then the DSA Dolch scam.

What bugs me the most: After whole scam the GH admins now want to delete the whole vendor subforum ot team RedLine except for one single thread which will wipe all evidence... :-(

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10 May 2014, 15:12

I was in that GB but asked for a refund just before all drama and got my money back.

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10 May 2014, 15:17

Daniel wrote: What bugs me the most: After whole scam the GH admins now want to delete the whole vendor subforum ot team RedLine except for one single thread which will wipe all evidence... :-(
A huge problem with the Geekhack Moderation is unnecessarily covering up negative things that happened. So people who did not witness those horrible things, usually have no idea that they even happened. This includes people who are new to the forum as well as people who were just not involved. The moderators are trying to 'clean up' the forum, but it's really a terrible method.

This happens with scams, when people do personal attacks, etc.

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10 May 2014, 15:21

Throwing things down the old memory hole is no way to behave. They should at least be moved to a read only archive, so people can still link to them as warnings.

I wonder why GH has so much trouble with this kind of stuff. Is it all just the higher volume? Or does DT attract a different kind of user, with our distinct culture over here, and GH mops up the rest?

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11 May 2014, 21:35

They just don't realize that 'cleaning it up' only enables more similar behavior because others don't see the evidence and history

oh well :lol:

back on Topic


Got the chance to take proper photos of my new SSK

lovin' it

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14 May 2014, 19:55

That's more like it! Pictures good enough that we can see the nick on your Escape key. Fortunately, that's the easiest cap of all to replace. Especially if you want a bit of colour. Although I quite like how austere your grey label SSK is in its native form.


15 May 2014, 13:43

Love the look of that SSK, sexy!

It would be great to have one some day. :D

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15 May 2014, 23:00

Muirium wrote:That's more like it! Pictures good enough that we can see the nick on your Escape key. Fortunately, that's the easiest cap of all to replace. Especially if you want a bit of colour. Although I quite like how austere your grey label SSK is in its native form.
Something colorful for the esc would be nice 8-)
CookingAppliance wrote:Love the look of that SSK, sexy!

It would be great to have one some day. :D
I'm selling the second one with M13 caps if you're interested


16 May 2014, 00:40

^ I'm lacking the monies at the moment but thanks for the offer. :)

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16 May 2014, 02:52

No problem

the M13 caps seem to be a turn off for most :lol:


16 May 2014, 03:38


Here's my newest. WASD v2 87.

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16 May 2014, 09:18

I don't know why, but I like it. :)


21 May 2014, 20:40

Guess I play too. Even though I don't have anything fancy.


Ducky Shine is my daily driver. It used to have all white caps. Then I bought a used Poker with worn out caps and had to do this kind of emergency capping from one black and one white Ducky Shine Nordic ISO sets.

Poker is just for practicing modding and testing switches and caps. Have some blank PBT DSA caps and different switches coming in for testing but we'll see what it'll end up like when it's "finished", if it ever is. I wanted a board with PCB mount switches for easy switch replacement and this Poker came up on local forum for quite cheap so I went for it even though I'm not a big fan of 60%.

That Shine came with black switches. I realized they were too stiff for gaming for my taste so I got some reds and was going to swap all the switches. Well, I found that swapping switches on plate mount board is a MAJOR pain in the ass for my skills and tools (for example I didn't get the leds to work anymore on any of the switches I swapped...), so I swapped only arrows and WASD. Now it's ok. And that's why I wanted PCB mount board for further switch testing.

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

22 May 2014, 08:45

Received on the same day my MX Blue Poker X and Dolch DSA set :twisted:
Dolch-DSA.JPG (611.74 KiB) Viewed 11842 times
As from this moment Dolch DSA is my favorite color scheme and DSA is the best profile :mrgreen:
Now I regret spending so much on Round 5 and not buying also a Granite :(

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22 May 2014, 12:26

Nice to see those Dolches coming. They look very classy on black. Did you get stung by customs? My set is lying, safe and sound, with my brother, waiting for a holiday…

As for DSA vs. SA: have you tried both yet?

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

22 May 2014, 12:58

Well, customs in Romania are very nice, didn't pay a penny, zilch, nada :D I think if it's under 50EUR the value to don't have to pay anything. I received over the time a lot of packages from US, all were under 70$ and never payed taxes. Above 70-80$ you have to pay 24%VAT or something like that. I bought only the base kit, that was the maximum I could afford.

I have tried DCS and DSA, I now hate DCS after typing on DSA, I love the low profile and the flat look. When I will have the Round 5 SA caps I will test and see, my problem is spending too much on that GB and missing on others :D Now I have learned my lesson.

As for the Dolch DSA, it is a great kit, the color scheme the fonts.. it looks perfect on my Poker :)

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22 May 2014, 13:01

DanielT wrote:As from this moment Dolch DSA is my favorite color scheme and DSA is the best profile :mrgreen:
Now I regret spending so much on Round 5 and not buying also a Granite :(
Same here, but I still have hope for Round 5 with a unique color scheme and layout. I haven´t received my DSA Dolch set because it will arrive in September from USA :sad:

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Cherry Picker

22 May 2014, 13:31

Something quite special arrived today.. I won't post any photos of the board until it's all cleaned up, but here's one of some of its keycaps.


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The Tiproman

22 May 2014, 13:40

photekq wrote:Something quite special arrived today.. I won't post any photos of the board until it's all cleaned up, but here's one of some of its keycaps.

So you're the one who got it now :mrgreen:

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22 May 2014, 14:25

DanielT wrote:Well, customs in Romania are very nice, didn't pay a penny, zilch, nada :D I think if it's under 50EUR the value to don't have to pay anything. I received over the time a lot of packages from US, all were under 70$ and never payed taxes. Above 70-80$ you have to pay 24%VAT or something like that. I bought only the base kit, that was the maximum I could afford.

I have tried DCS and DSA, I now hate DCS after typing on DSA, I love the low profile and the flat look. When I will have the Round 5 SA caps I will test and see, my problem is spending too much on that GB and missing on others :D Now I have learned my lesson.

As for the Dolch DSA, it is a great kit, the color scheme the fonts.. it looks perfect on my Poker :)
You're lucky then, customs over here is almost as lazy but when they bite they charge a random processing fee that's sometimes higher than the tax, so I've had to pay 50% on top of things before. Anything over £30 can trigger it. Including the base Dolch kit. (I added $2 worth of windowed caps, too.)

I've tried OEM profile (Ducky) caps. Cylindricals remind me of 1990s computing. They're fine, but only SA makes me smile! Technically I haven't tried DSA yet, but I think these vintage Cherry double shots are more or less identical:


If I'm right, then SA is still the one for me. But I still managed to score a good set of PBT Granite just in case! Should get my hands on it at the same time as my Dolch.

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

22 May 2014, 15:29

I will have to wait for the Round 5 to test :)
The DSA look very similar to the vintage Cherry ones. Nice picture by the way :D


22 May 2014, 19:05

kbdfr wrote:
photekq wrote:Something quite special arrived today.. I won't post any photos of the board until it's all cleaned up, but here's one of some of its keycaps.

So you're the one who got it now :mrgreen:
I regret. :evil:

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05 Jun 2014, 05:44

What do we have here?


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