deskthority - Suggestions and Changelog

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13 Feb 2015, 15:54

webwit wrote: I'm in your styles, ruining your tweaks.
Moar Helvetica Neue plz. One font across the entire site: µmode.

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13 Feb 2015, 16:16

That's the kind of thing that I can't help laughing at, but I feel bad about it afterward :lol:

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13 Feb 2015, 17:20

Rendering bug with the new header in Chrome for Android 40.0.2214.109:
Screenshot_2015-02-13-11-17-43.png (665.7 KiB) Viewed 5040 times

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Daniel Beardsmore

13 Feb 2015, 23:14

I presume you don't mean how the use of Unicode-based arrows causes trouble with font substitution?

I had fun with that at work, figuring out a way to deal with the differing metrics of the main font and the one that contains the arrows (Arial Unicode MS).

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13 Feb 2015, 23:29

Ah, that may well be the problem. I'm referring to the height difference between the dropdown menu boxes and the messages box, but that may be caused by that.

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Daniel Beardsmore

13 Feb 2015, 23:37

Yes, the browser frequently has to substitute in a typeface with "▼" present, and this will invariably have different font metrics.

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Wild Duck

13 Feb 2015, 23:54

I think I can fix it with absolute positioning of the arrow.

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14 Feb 2015, 11:40

Something tells me this one's beyond you… sth stole my iPad!
IMG_0149.PNG (362.1 KiB) Viewed 4982 times
My god. It's full of :cool:
IMG_0151.PNG (268.32 KiB) Viewed 4982 times
The Marketplace :roll: is a good one. He is fully animated of course.

Anyway, my ancient iPad has a history of this kind of thing. That's what an unsupported browser looks like from time to time.

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Daniel Beardsmore

14 Feb 2015, 15:13

It pretty much sums up the state of the industry that we still have no 32-bit animated image format.

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14 Feb 2015, 17:50

We actually have four - MNG, APNG, abuses of SVG, and WebM - but none of them is universally supported, and AFAIK WebM alpha transparency is very much alpha-grade.

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Daniel Beardsmore

14 Feb 2015, 18:21

I know some exist, but nothing anyone can actually make use of.

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14 Feb 2015, 19:55

Well, APNG works in Firefox and Safari, at least, and there's plugins to make it work in desktop Chrome and Opera. And, an APNG in a browser that doesn't support it merely appears as its first frame.

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14 Feb 2015, 20:22

Are there publicly available dumps of the wiki, like there are for wikipedia? I'd hate to see all that information lost because webwit got hit by a bus :P

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Daniel Beardsmore

14 Feb 2015, 22:17

bhtooefr wrote: Well, APNG works in Firefox and Safari, at least, and there's plugins to make it work in desktop Chrome and Opera. And, an APNG in a browser that doesn't support it merely appears as its first frame.
I see that you subscribe to the Windows and Linux idea of "just works" …

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Wild Duck

14 Feb 2015, 23:12

The bus factor is currently two. The club secretary has the info to get to our server and backups.

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15 Feb 2015, 11:12

Checks for file… yup. Still 2!

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15 Feb 2015, 11:25

Plus webwit changed his avatar to make it look more.

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Daniel Beardsmore

15 Feb 2015, 13:27

Poachers carry double-barrelled shotguns …

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Wild Duck

15 Feb 2015, 22:41

PhbBB was updated from 3.0.12 to 3.0.13, a small maintenance/security release.

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Wild Duck

16 Feb 2015, 02:33

Tapatalk was updated to the lastest version.

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Wild Duck

16 Feb 2015, 22:28

Mediawiki and extensions (our wiki engine) were updated to the latest version.

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Wild Duck

17 Feb 2015, 14:57

bhtooefr wrote: Rendering bug with the new header in Chrome for Android 40.0.2214.109
My 40.0.2214.109 on the S4 is better!


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17 Feb 2015, 17:25

The same chrome on my nexus 5 looks also funny.
Screenshot_2015-02-17-17-21-50~2.jpg (74.19 KiB) Viewed 4796 times

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17 Feb 2015, 18:02

Same here, on iOS 8 / Safari:
IMG_0845.PNG (358.79 KiB) Viewed 4789 times
I have to zoom in to notice, just like you guys.

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17 Feb 2015, 18:22

I'm quite sure it is caused by the down triangle!

Just put an invisible triangle (ie in background color) on every button and this problem should go away.

Or switch JavaScript off, so there are no triangles at all!

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17 Feb 2015, 18:41



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17 Feb 2015, 18:48



18 Feb 2015, 01:53

allow "weaker" password?

i don't think a string of numbers and symbols is weak just because it lacks an uppercase.

can we lower the setting to just 'at least X chars'?

i don't think i've used the recall password for a site so much as this one? the password rule forces me to select dumb short passwords instead of a longer one that i can remind.

thanks for the attention!

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18 Feb 2015, 01:59

Use KeePass or another password store, then you can have long, strong, arbitrary passwords that you don't memorize.

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18 Feb 2015, 11:20

Yup. Good browsers include built in password generators and organisers too.

That said, I'm oldschool, and actually use dirty limericks for passphrases everywhere. Use a convention for capitalisation and number substitution and you're long and strong. I find them easy to remember, and typing them in at speed is especially easy, while impressive to anyone who's watching me. People just don't expect to hear that much typing in a password box!

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