I'm in costant contact with seller, which seems a bit hesitant to price lowering after I got the price of 15€ per keyboard. Price reductions will come only as we come near to the total number of the keyboard, it looks like he wants to sell them all in this one time. Anyway he assured me that if we buy the 45-50 keyboards of the total lot, we will have the price of 10€ per keyboard which I told you about... So we need to get more interested people to have that price. If you want to post in other forums and reddit you're free to do so.
Tomorrow I will start collecting the money in the way I explained a few posts ago:
acolombo wrote: I don't know how other GBs like this works, but I think I can collect the payments of everyone who committed for 15€ at the moment. You are going to pay for the keyboard only now (15€), and after we are all set you will pay for the shipping, and if the keyboard for example will reach 10€ you'll pay 5€ less for the shipping. What do you think about it? If someone more experienced about GBs thinks there's a better way I'd be glad to know.
The orders will close and the payments will be required at the middle of the next week. I can't protract this too far in time, as I have university exams in July and I should be already studiyng. Tomorrow I will PM everyone who committed (paypal with fees on you or paypal gift for payments) and I will decide a definitive date for the end of the orders.