Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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13 May 2015, 23:56

Yup. I'd steer well clear of Das. They're not quite the standard run of the mill GAMARGH style of excruciating brashness, but whatever their aesthetic is supposed to be I wouldn't mistake it with elegance either.

By the way, you'd like an HHKB or a Realforce. Guess what typeface is all over Topre keyboards. Something IBM got right long ago.

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14 May 2015, 20:22

Sorting re-starts by the end of next week.

If you want to pay via PayPal or Google Wallet: SL89 stops collecting money tomorrow,
so if you want to order something, do it now and pay immediately!!!

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14 May 2015, 20:25

Yay. Caps this year! Can't wait.

(Well, obviously we can, and have already. But chop chop!)


14 May 2015, 20:37

7bit wrote: Sorting re-starts by the end of next week.

If you want to pay via PayPal or Google Wallet: SL89 stops collecting money tomorrow,
so if you want to order something, do it now and pay immediately!!!
I sent a payment on May 7 but received an invoice this morning showing I still owed.

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14 May 2015, 20:42

Supergeek that is my bad, I have one last batch that I put off until tomorrow.


14 May 2015, 20:50

SL89 wrote: Supergeek that is my bad, I have one last batch that I put off until tomorrow.
Ok no worries, just glad it didn't get lost.

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14 May 2015, 23:59

Hey guys, I've got a question about how the MOQ works for all this. I'm ordering a few kits that don't have many other orders. The wiki said something about 25 per kit, so will they not be made assuming there aren't a bunch of new orders?

These are the kits I'm concerned about.
----------------------------------|My Order|All Orders|
HONEYB/R2U150/WHITE | 2| 2|
HONEYB/R3U200/WHITE | 2| 6|

7bit wrote: If you want to pay via PayPal or Google Wallet: SL89 stops collecting money tomorrow,
so if you want to order something, do it now and pay immediately!!!
Also, what's this about now? Is that about Round 5a and should I be making a mad dash to add to my order or does that still end on June 30thish? (There's something in the Round 5 leftovers I've been considering adding as well)

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15 May 2015, 00:56

There is no mad dash, there were other collectors before me and there will be others after me.

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Mad Dasher

15 May 2015, 01:17

JanitorJoe wrote: Hey guys, I've got a question about how the MOQ works for all this. I'm ordering a few kits that don't have many other orders. The wiki said something about 25 per kit, so will they not be made assuming there aren't a bunch of new orders?

These are the kits I'm concerned about.
----------------------------------|My Order|All Orders|
HONEYB/R2U150/WHITE | 2| 2|
HONEYB/R3U200/WHITE | 2| 6|
It's a good question. I believe the MOQs are at 25 units, but 7bit balances the keys into superkits and orders those, and additional keys may be available too, so it doesn't always mean that 25 of each kit needs to sell.

This 7bit post from the end of Feb was quite positive about this: ... ml#p213112
7bit wrote:
potatobean wrote: Hi 7bit, I placed an order. Am i guaranteed my order will be fulfilled? And do I have to wait until you meet a MOQ before you send the request to SP?
At the moment, grey, red, white and black keys can be covered mostly by Round 5 leftovers and shipping reserve.

SPH-grey style and blue stuff is over the MOQ line. If this where PMK, I would say they tipped.

The CREAM/VIOLETT style is in the middle of going over the MOQ line.
JanitorJoe wrote: mad dash
SL89 wrote: mad dash, maybe you've found my user title.

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Mad Dasher

15 May 2015, 01:42

facetsesame wrote: I did order a Symbiosis WASD kit so I'll see these for myself:
What are the chances SP will have used their existing V and T alpha legends?
A shipping notice showed up earlier that could be for these, so wild pics might start showing up in the near future.
Still haven't seen or heard from the buy leader though.


15 May 2015, 03:28

facetsesame wrote: A shipping notice showed up earlier that could be for these, so wild pics might start showing up in the near future.
Still haven't seen or heard from the buy leader though.
Not mine, but it seems they have been deployed: ... msg1746234
They look quite nice, cant wait for the sculpted ones. 8-)

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15 May 2015, 05:04

SL89 wrote: There is no mad dash, there were other collectors before me and there will be others after me.
Thanks, good to know.
facetsesame wrote: It's a good question. I believe the MOQs are at 25 units, but 7bit balances the keys into superkits and orders those, and additional keys may be available too, so it doesn't always mean that 25 of each kit needs to sell.

This 7bit post from the end of Feb was quite positive about this: ... ml#p213112
Hm, alright. That makes things sound hopeful. Time to lurk around posts from when Round 5 ended and try to figure out how this madness works. So far I've mostly just seen 7bit delighting in the fact that false deadlines bring in more orders.

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15 May 2015, 05:46

7bit wrote: Sorting re-starts by the end of next week.

If you want to pay via PayPal or Google Wallet: SL89 stops collecting money tomorrow,
so if you want to order something, do it now and pay immediately!!!
Please, have been trying to contact you to PAY for extra shipping on my order via Paypal, which you have stated above.

Have already sent my paypal address, for you to send me the bill, but have heard nothing from you......

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15 May 2015, 17:12

Starting all over!

Please suggest color-schems for this group buy (Round 5).


15 May 2015, 17:13


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15 May 2015, 22:24

I have some money leftover in my account, what do I need to do to get a refund. I don't plan on buying anymore keys. I've sent 7bot "refund" already.

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Mad Dasher

16 May 2015, 00:34

unoab wrote: Not mine, but it seems they have been deployed: ... msg1746234
They look quite nice, cant wait for the sculpted ones. 8-)
Wow, thanks for that! :shock: They've turned out better than I'd expected, it'd be interesting to know how much influence from the buy leader contributed to the result.

As you say, it'll be great to see them in varied rows. The only variation in that pic is where some of the caps haven't been pushed down fully!

Just tried a few of the Extras caps on MX reds for the first time, they're light enough already with stock Ducky backlit caps, but the SA caps do seem to make them feel lighter still. It seems very promising, a nice change from the heavier switches I'm used to. Just need the Round 5 caps to arrive! :mrgreen:

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Mad Dasher

16 May 2015, 00:51

facetsesame wrote:
JanitorJoe wrote: mad dash
SL89 wrote: mad dash
Maybe I need to be more careful about the ideas I post.....(dots are in fashion, right?)......

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Mad Dasher

17 May 2015, 18:53

Another apparent sighting in the wild: White mods anyone?


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17 May 2015, 19:22

Can Round 5 build it?
Yes he can.

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17 May 2015, 20:22

Still like the original better... (maybe because I didn't get any white mods... :( )

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17 May 2015, 23:08

I will try out that look, I think I have white mods :D

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17 May 2015, 23:12

You bet I do.



19 May 2015, 05:33

are the May/June deliveries still a thing or are we pushing it back again?


21 May 2015, 10:04

Memoren wrote: are the May/June deliveries still a thing or are we pushing it back again?
^This (fingers crossed :p)


21 May 2015, 22:21

At some Point I hoped to get the caps for my last birthday in late august, now I expect it to be this birthday.

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21 May 2015, 22:24

The foolishness of youth.

Round 5: teaching wisdom for more years than any of us really want to come to terms with.

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Mad Dasher

21 May 2015, 23:05

The Symbiosis WASD showed up.

The secondary legends on these are basically just V and T. Yes, this does mean that being row 3 I can mount them so that all the Ts are the same way up - the symmetry on the A ("A T") key is particularly good...

Interestingly these GDs look seem a bit further away from GPA. BFP looks damn close to Extras. No comment on YG...
Symbiosis_WASD_comparison.jpg (473.24 KiB) Viewed 19207 times
How about a slightly misaligned D T key? :lol:
Symbiosis_WASD_closeup.jpg (449.52 KiB) Viewed 19207 times

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21 May 2015, 23:42

Cadet will be proper colors right? GD looks too light...

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Mad Dasher

22 May 2015, 00:06

GD is the Round 4 SPH grey, one and the same. I've just checked again, comparing the SPH (#) and Symbiosis (D T) keys shown above - I'm satisfied they're very close to each other and to the chip. The lighting was quite bright in those pics.

GD is a slightly lighter and bluer version of Honey's GPA (as in the header right now :D )

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