Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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07 Jun 2015, 22:43

Today, I've finished to pack all single keys and small kits, so I can now pack the orders together and ship.

If you did not already: Please send your latest address to the bot:

your new address


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07 Jun 2015, 22:47

7bit wrote: Today, I've finished to pack all single keys and small kits, so I can now pack the orders together and ship.

If you did not already: Please send your latest address to the bot:

your new address

oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man

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07 Jun 2015, 23:07


Tomorrow, right? (be soon be soon be soon be soon be soon be soon be soon be soon be soon be soon be soon be soon be soon be soon be soon be soon!)

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Mad Dasher

07 Jun 2015, 23:20

R5_ready.jpg (340.37 KiB) Viewed 5573 times

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07 Jun 2015, 23:21

If our address is current do we still need to?

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07 Jun 2015, 23:23

Nope. Just hold tight.

Note to self: Is two wire keypullers enough for The Cappening? I guess I've also got those Topre tongs…

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07 Jun 2015, 23:24


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08 Jun 2015, 03:07

seebart wrote: Well we got ü, ö and ä. But those are just variations. What's even more interesting is the ß was kept alive until today. There was a time when they thought about killing it. But it was kept. Double s would be much simpler.
I find there's always one example, where there might be confusion if the ß no longer existed. We have the mathematical designations "Masse" (weighting) and "Maße" (dimensions). So no one would know what is meant by both.
Don't know if there are more such examples.

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08 Jun 2015, 05:39

facetsesame wrote: Generally though the ones to be careful of are the /OVR kits - they're made up of overrun keys and are incomplete, so they may not have all the keys you want. .
Oh dang, I had no idea. Got one OVR kit, HONEY/MODEXTRA150/OVR. As long as it has both R2 keys I'm still good...

EDIT: Eh, guess I'll play it safeish and add an extra kit... which is also an OVR.
Last edited by JanitorJoe on 08 Jun 2015, 06:05, edited 1 time in total.

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The Tiproman

08 Jun 2015, 05:48

usopia wrote:
seebart wrote: Well we got ü, ö and ä. But those are just variations. What's even more interesting is the ß was kept alive until today. There was a time when they thought about killing it. But it was kept. Double s would be much simpler.
I find there's always one example, where there might be confusion if the ß no longer existed. We have the mathematical designations "Masse" (weighting) and "Maße" (dimensions). So no one would know what is meant by both.
Don't know if there are more such examples.
You'll always find examples for anything, but in real life it wouldn't really matter.
- When writing in capitals, both already are identical anyway ("MASSE") as there is no uppercase "ß"
- No confusion possible when speaking because they differ in pronunciation
- AND: there is hardly a written context where a confusion is possible because while "Masse" is singular (with plural "Massen"), "Maße" is plural (with singular "Maß"), so in most cases an article, adjective or verb will be declined and show which is meant. And where not, there is likely to be an unit (e.g. kg or km) that will give it away.

Mind you, I am a fervent supporter of ß :mrgreen:


08 Jun 2015, 08:33

as there is no uppercase "ß"

Uppercase ẞ with Shift-AltGr-S: ẞ

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The Tiproman

08 Jun 2015, 10:22

There is no uppercase "ß", even if ignorant font or software designers think so.
Rechtschreib-Duden wrote: Regel 160:
2. Auch bei Verwendung von Großbuchstaben steht SS für ß <§ 25 E3>.


08 Jun 2015, 12:23

Die Geschäftsführerin des Rates für deutsche Rechtschreibung Dr. Kerstin Güthert begründet die Haltung des Rates zum großen ß mit den Worten: „Es ist […] eine Frage, die schon seit Jahrzehnten unbeantwortet ist und es wohl auch auf geraume Zeit auch bleiben wird. Der Grund liegt darin, dass es dem Rat für deutsche Rechtschreibung nicht zusteht, Schriftzeichen zu erfinden. Seine Aufgabe ist es, die Schreibung zu beobachten und darauf zu achten, dass Regeln und Schreibgebrauch sich im Einklang befinden. Es bedarf also einer Initiative aus der Schreibgemeinschaft (z. B. vonseiten der Typografen), um hier auf der Basis eines gesellschaftlichen Konsens Abhilfe zu schaffen.“
Use it, and it exists.

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08 Jun 2015, 13:42

Muirium wrote:
seebart wrote: It's strange compared to the rest of "Groß". Almost italic. It's like the (Taiwanese?) manufacturer did not know how to deal with the crazy German letters.
When I was learning German, I remember being freaked out the first time I saw ß. WTF is that!? How many more additional letters do they have? Sound the alarm! Fortunately, you guys only really have that one. (And the Swiss, very sensibly, nixed it.) Umlauts aren't so bad. We English speakers generally just plough through foreign words with diacriticals anyway. Whatever the damage! This works especially well in diacritical crazy Turkish.

So yeah I sympathise with your Asian manufacturer. Be pleased they were creative enough to turn to Greek instead of doing the obvious and going for capital B. I think I remember seeing that exact thing done in German class once, as whoever typed it had no idea whatsoever how to enter eszett and didn't know what it meant either.

Now, about those schokoladen…
I think it is a bad idea to confront beginners with the ß-ligature. Teach them that it is a sharp s and let them write ss. The ß-ligature is in fact a relic from the time when German texts had been set in Fraktur. The long s (looks like an f without the dash, or in fact the left half ofß) and ß had been carried over to Antiqua. While the long s has been dropped a long time ago, the ß is still there and troubles the bot (along its friends øçéêèæåäëïöüłż ...).

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08 Jun 2015, 13:48

Indeed. We didn't see it on day one. But actual German texts like newspapers etc. use ß quite freely and there's no avoiding it for long.

@Kbdfr: You need ß in uppercase if only for SHOUTY CAPS. Unless you ReALLY WaNT THiS? SCHEIßE!

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08 Jun 2015, 13:52

Why is it that ß is considered so archaic in German when other languages use the various characters (øçéêèæåäëïöüłż) without a second thought. If anything characters like ß and Þ and whatnot would be very useful. (plus we'd get bigger keyboards :D ) English is very stripped down even tho we use the sounds of digraphs.

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08 Jun 2015, 13:53

Muirium wrote: Nope. Just hold tight.

Note to self: Is two wire keypullers enough for The Cappening? I guess I've also got those Topre tongs…
Those are perfect!

Remove the keys around larger keys first, so it is easier to pull them out. The traditional space bars are best pulled out from the sides with your own fingers.

You should discuss keypullers in a keyboard forum, not in a linguistic forum!

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Offtopicthority Instigator

08 Jun 2015, 14:00

that`s a nice snappy sentence to sum up all this "ß"... :lol:

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08 Jun 2015, 14:06

Microsoft at least seems to be trying hard to establish capital ß by making it accessible on the German keyboard in Windows (from version 8, it doesn't seem to work in Windows 7). It's kind of ridiculous that the DE keyboard mapping stops halfway in supporting French (é, à and â work, but no way of typing ç) and Spanish (no ñ), let alone nordic and slavic languages, has no way of entering proper German „quotation marks“ (or french ones), but does support something as unofficial and unused as capital ß.

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08 Jun 2015, 14:10

Because Americans. (Who are no more ignorant of European typography than the rest of us English native speakers.)

You need ß because it's like everywhere. So it's a real character and of course deserves uppercase. Else madness! You aren't French so those others are insignificant. Maybe you use a subset in place names or something? Whatever. And you're doing quotation marks wrong. Stop doing that!

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08 Jun 2015, 14:38

True. Of course Apple has got most of that right for decades ...

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08 Jun 2015, 15:02

Halvar wrote: Microsoft ... establish capital ß ... accessible on the German keyboard ... Windows (...doesn't seem to work...). It's kind of ridiculous... Windows 8 ... scheiße.

Nobody uses Windows for serious type setting, so why care?

Now, I must go back to myyour key caps ...

*) Text shortened to make it more concise.


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08 Jun 2015, 15:16

Good to hear!

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08 Jun 2015, 15:33

Don't forget my World Wide Surprise Box!

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Mad Dasher

08 Jun 2015, 15:41

So. What's the bot command to order Eszet-Schnitten? Which flavours are available, and can we get bread with that too?

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08 Jun 2015, 15:50

Mmm… ß.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

08 Jun 2015, 16:01

Those chocolate Schnitten are goodness, forget the bot command.

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Mad Dasher

08 Jun 2015, 18:44

seebart wrote: Those chocolate Schnitten are goodness, forget the bot command.
But how do I buy them? :cry:

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08 Jun 2015, 18:48

I think he's serious. (And I am too.)

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Offtopicthority Instigator

08 Jun 2015, 18:49

I'm not sure if they're sold outside Germany. You want me to send you some?

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