Is Geekhack down?

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

01 Jul 2015, 09:11

I'm maybe brain dead but I have big problems following Reddit :( It's just something my brain refuses to process, and it's a shame because some content over there is really good ...

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01 Jul 2015, 09:13

I recommend you use RES, but yeah it isn't easy...

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01 Jul 2015, 09:14

DanielT wrote: I'm maybe brain dead but I have big problems following Reddit :( It's just something my brain refuses to process, and it's a shame because some content over there is really good ...
The good thing about Reddit is that new topics are always put on top.
The bad thing about Reddit is that new topics are always put on top.

Edit: yes, RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite) makes things easier

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The Tiproman

01 Jul 2015, 09:23

DanielT wrote: I'm maybe brain dead but I have big problems following Reddit :( It's just something my brain refuses to process […]
And I thought I was the only one :lol:

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

01 Jul 2015, 09:26

kbdfr wrote:
DanielT wrote: I'm maybe brain dead but I have big problems following Reddit :( It's just something my brain refuses to process […]
And I thought I was the only one :lol:
No you're not :lol: I don't get the logic of it, photos with comments, upvotes, downvotes, I think I'm getting old :lol:

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01 Jul 2015, 09:30

When I occasionally follow a link there, I literally cannot process Reddit. My mind can't navigate its mental model. Just seems like random noise. But not good random noise like Pi. Or indeed Pi Because Ripster is there in every recess…

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01 Jul 2015, 10:43

DanielT wrote:
kbdfr wrote:
DanielT wrote: I'm maybe brain dead but I have big problems following Reddit :( It's just something my brain refuses to process […]
And I thought I was the only one :lol:
No you're not :lol: I don't get the logic of it, photos with comments, upvotes, downvotes, I think I'm getting old :lol:
I also find it doesn't match the way my mind works. And the content is not enough to force myself to adapt to it. So I stay away. Good 'ol forums all the way for me.

<off topic> FJFJFJJJFJfjfjjfjjFJFJjfjfjfjjf <- I love my Hack'd by Geeks scooped home keys. SA profile rocks. </off topic>

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01 Jul 2015, 10:44

Deep dish is when SA pretends to be beamspring. Of course it's the best!

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Elder Messenger

01 Jul 2015, 13:55

Muirium wrote: When I occasionally follow a link there, I literally cannot process Reddit. My mind can't navigate its mental model. Just seems like random noise.
I feel exactly the same way.

I guess that I like order and feel the need to be able to find what I am looking for quickly, by following a logical path to it.

Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that a computer can "search" and I use that feature often.

But, for example, my music collection is huge and arranged as a standard file-tree-directory system in alphabetical and chronological order, in much the same way that my records and CDs sit on the shelf. My wife and kids talk about "libraries" and "playlists" but that just doesn't mean anything to me.

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01 Jul 2015, 14:15

fohat wrote:
Muirium wrote: When I occasionally follow a link there, I literally cannot process Reddit. My mind can't navigate its mental model. Just seems like random noise.
I feel exactly the same way.

I guess that I like order and feel the need to be able to find what I am looking for quickly, by following a logical path to it.

Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that a computer can "search" and I use that feature often.

But, for example, my music collection is huge and arranged as a standard file-tree-directory system in alphabetical and chronological order, in much the same way that my records and CDs sit on the shelf. My wife and kids talk about "libraries" and "playlists" but that just doesn't mean anything to me.
I'm the same. Reddit is confusing. Playlists are not for me. I listen to albums. That's what they're for isn't it. Ah, remember the good old days when a) you'd buy an album and b) the artist had put some thought into the arrangement of songs on the album so that there was a flow from song to song...

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01 Jul 2015, 14:19

Khers wrote: I'm the same. Reddit is confusing. Playlists are not for me. I listen to albums. That's what they're for isn't it. Ah, remember the good old days when a) you'd buy an album and b) the artist had put some thought into the arrangement of songs on the album so that there was a flow from song to song...
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that does this, I've always listened to whole albums rather than just odd songs and all my friends think I'm the strange one.

I do have some playlists but they're made up of full albums though :D.

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01 Jul 2015, 14:35

Exactly! I also tend to really like albums where the artist is deliberately making sort of a sound landscape of the entire album. Kraftwerk's Radioaktivität springs to mind as a particularly good example of this. Some tracks on the album is there to link other songs, not necessarily be a single release on their own as tends to be the way of the future. Who buys albums today anyway...

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Elder Messenger

01 Jul 2015, 14:45

Khers wrote:
the artist had put some thought into the arrangement of songs on the album so that there was a flow from song to song.
Not to mention the fact that real albums have a "front side" and a "back side" and those were often different experiences as well.


01 Jul 2015, 14:51

DanielT wrote: I'm maybe brain dead but I have big problems following Reddit :( It's just something my brain refuses to process, and it's a shame because some content over there is really good ...
Reddit annoys the hell out of me. It's a confused mess.
fohat wrote: But, for example, my music collection is huge and arranged as a standard file-tree-directory system in alphabetical and chronological order, in much the same way that my records and CDs sit on the shelf. My wife and kids talk about "libraries" and "playlists" but that just doesn't mean anything to me.
I like to organize my music the way I want to, not how some music program wants me to. With my music, "artist" (I refuse to call a musician an "artist") and album is meaningless. I don't care at all about album covers.

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ALPS キーボード

01 Jul 2015, 15:00

Reddit is okay after awhile. I much prefer traditional forums though.

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01 Jul 2015, 15:02

Aha, I'm not surprised a bunch of old keyboard snobs like us would think the same way about music. I pretty much exclusively buy albums (and EPs) as the kind of music I'm into (jazz, world, afrobeat) is still very album centric.

That said, I use smart playlists quite a lot too. Because when I'm writing and need music to suit where I'm going, I want to be damn sure there's no lyrics, and no clangers. I catalogue my music pretty neatly and that provides smart playlists (iTunes parlance for saved search queries) to do the job quite well. Though when I'm listening to music purely for the music's own sake, I take things manual and go by album as well.

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01 Jul 2015, 15:04

Who the hell buys music anymore? :evilgeek:

EDIT: I'm talking about streaming services like Spotify of course. 8-)
Last edited by wlhlm on 01 Jul 2015, 15:13, edited 1 time in total.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

01 Jul 2015, 15:07

I never use "libraries" and "playlists" either. I drop it in foobar2000, that's it. Jazz world, afrobeat eh Mu? Sophisticated. In going with the current weather here:
foobar.PNG (176.6 KiB) Viewed 28414 times
Last edited by seebart on 01 Jul 2015, 15:12, edited 1 time in total.


01 Jul 2015, 15:07


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Elder Messenger

01 Jul 2015, 15:10

About the time I got my XP computer (around 2002-03) a college friend who worked for Creative gave me a really nice sound card. For about a decade I slowly ripped most of my vinyl to .WAV and .MP3 files, including about 1/3 of my collection which I sold off.

I also ripped most of my CD collection through the same time period.

But today, yes, it is pretty easy to find and download music, at varying levels of legality. (Too bad Megaupload got busted a few years ago, that was the best one.) Considering the (tens of?) thousands of dollars I have spent on music in my lifetime I don't feel much guilt about downloading a few things here and there.

And besides, I mostly listen to ancient dinosaur music anyway.

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01 Jul 2015, 15:15

Reddit makes sense for its original purpose, which is ultra-relevant comments on the hottest links of today. I don't think it was ever designed for continuous discussions the way forums are.

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01 Jul 2015, 15:20

New Update:

They expect to have the site back up by the end of this week.

I hope the new host makes the site more responsive. :?

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ALPS キーボード

01 Jul 2015, 15:28

I actually generally prefer EDM in its various forms. Whenever I'm studying or needing to get work done I typically listen to chillstep. Nothing beats it for me.

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01 Jul 2015, 15:38

GH is vibrant and full of activity community; however, it may be a little harsh in the answers occasionally, and it is popularity biased. DT is great, people are respectful, polite and interactions tend to be very mature; however, its traffic is lower compared with r/mk and GH. r/mk is a different animal, different format, heterogeneous community with no common personality.

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01 Jul 2015, 15:39

For the old jabronis who can't comprehend reddit: try Reditr

It beautifies the site and threads things easier. Or RES if you can deal with a little chaos.

And with regards to music: Albums are swell, but so is the shuffle button, variety is the spice of life.

@ideus that is a very accurate portrayal of all three groups.

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Elder Messenger

01 Jul 2015, 15:39

Alastair Reynolds readers remember "the melding plague" and it looks like this influx of Geekhackers is starting to do something similar here.

A very large proportion of interesting conversation and dialogue there took place off-off-off-topic and was difficult or impossible to find later.

A year from now, who would look for a discussion of music collections in a thread called "Is Geekhack down?"

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01 Jul 2015, 15:43

That's classic DT. I use the site's search facility all the time for just such feats. Try "offtopicthority" for instance.

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01 Jul 2015, 15:45

DT off topic tends to get woven into threads as opposed to relegated to a specific corner. Even before the refugees started showing up, OT threads were on the uptick.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

01 Jul 2015, 15:54

SL89 wrote: DT off topic tends to get woven into threads as opposed to relegated to a specific corner. Even before the refugees started showing up, OT threads were on the uptick.
But that's specifically what I have come to enjoy, "offtopicthority" is great.

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

01 Jul 2015, 15:59

"offtopicthority" is the best thing !!! Ever!!! You start from a MX Black and end up talking about history/cars/music/whatnot , that makes everything so nice. This is what GH calls threadcrapping , such a bad and ugly word for something so relaxing.

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